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Cashew Syrup, 6 Ways: The Nutty Twist Your Cocktails Need

Try These Six DIY Cashew Syrups To Add Nutty Twist to Your Cocktails

When making DIY syrups, we often find ourselves busy with the usual suspects—fruits, herbs, and spices galore. But let's not be nutty and overlook the creamy, dreamy potential of cashews in our cocktail syrups. Yes, cashews—those buttery, versatile nuts that are about to become the secret weapon in your home bar. Let's crack open this idea and explore how homemade cashew syrup can transform your cocktails from something nice to ‘what’s your secret?’

Crafting the Cashew Syrup

First things first, making cashew syrup is as easy as pie, or, should we say, as easy as blending nuts? You'll need to start with a simple base: equal parts water and sugar, with a generous handful of cashews thrown into the mix. The trick is to gently simmer the cashews with the sugar and water, allowing all those nutty flavours to infuse the syrup, then blend it all up until it's smooth.

Cashew and Cinnamon Syrup

Feeling spicy? Let's add a stick of cinnamon to the simmering process, infusing the syrup with a warmth that hugs your palate like a cosy blanket. This variant is perfect for adding a spicy twist to whisky cocktails, creating a sip as comforting as coming home.

Try These Six DIY Cashew Syrups To Add Nutty Twist to Your Cocktails

Vanilla Bean Cashew Syrup

Split a vanilla bean and let it party with the cashews during the simmering process. The vanilla adds a luxurious aroma and flavour that makes the syrup feel like it should be drizzled over desserts and sipped in cocktails that dress to impress.

Rosewater Cashew Syrup

For something on the floral side, add a splash of rosewater to your cashew syrup. The result is an elixir that's fragrant, slightly floral, and utterly captivating. This syrup pairs wonderfully with vodka or a light rum, creating enchanting cocktails that are as pleasing to the palate as they are to the nose.

Cocoa Cashew Syrup

Now, onto the Cocoa Cashew Syrup, a dark and mysterious brew for those nights when you're feeling a tad more adventurous. Stir in a spoonful of cocoa powder as your syrup simmers, and watch as it transforms into a potion fit for a chocolatey spell. This syrup is perfect for dressing up your dessert cocktails or giving that Old Fashioned a sultry, chocolate-veiled makeover.

Try These Six DIY Cashew Syrups To Add Nutty Twist to Your Cocktails

Matcha Cashew Syrup

Our Matcha Cashew Syrup is your grassy bridge from the ancient to the avant-garde. Infusing your syrup with matcha not only paints it in the most vibrant shade of green but also adds a touch of the earthy, the grassy, and the subtly complex flavours of tea.

Now, let's bring these syrups to the stage. Imagine reinventing the classic Old Fashioned with a hint of our spicy cashew concoction. Or perhaps crafting a vodka martini that's been touched by our vanilla-kissed cashew syrup, turning each gulp into an escape to a world more decadent.

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