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Elevate Your Mocktail Recipes With These Exotic Indian Fruits

Elevate Your Mocktail Recipes Cover

Mocktails offer a delightful blend of flavours that tickles the taste buds without any buzz! If you want to spice up your mocktail recipes, we've got you covered! We've compiled a list of exotic Indian fruits that will take your mocktail creations to a whole new level of deliciousness! These fruits not only bring a blast of flavour to your mocktails, but they also add a distinctive Indian flair to your creations! 

Take Your Mocktail Recipes to the Next Level with Indian Fruits

1. Star Fruit

A little sweet and a little tangy! When cut, these tropical fruits resemble a star. It's high in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it a nutritious ingredient in your mocktail recipes.

Mocktail recipe suggestions

Star Fruit Mint Cooler: Blend star fruit, lime juice, sugar, and mint leaves in a blender. Pour it into a tall glass filled with ice cubes. Top up the drink with club soda. Garnish with a slice of star fruit and a mint sprig.

2. Kokum

Native to India, Kokum boasts a stunning deep purple colour when dried. It is packed with a list of health benefits. The dried fruit peel is often used in many recipes including tangy curries and juices.

Mocktail recipe suggestions

Kokum Sherbet: Make a kokum concentrate using dried kokum petals, sugar, cumin and cardamom and refrigerate it in an airtight container. While serving, dissolve one or two tablespoons of kokum concentrated in chilled water and enjoy!

3. Pomelo

Largest citrus fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. It has a thick rind, and the fruit is deliciously sweet and bitter to taste. It’s rich in vitamin C, potassium and fibre. It comes with many health benefits including boosting immunity and helping in digestion.

Mocktail recipe suggestion

Pomelo Mocktail: Blend pomelo juice and orange juice with ice. Add sugar if necessary. Pour the drink into a serving glass and top it up with soda!

3. Karonda

Also known as Black currant fruit, it’s small berry-like fruit that is often tangy to taste. This fruit also has a list of health benefits such as it’s rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium. It’s often used in many recipes including pickles, and jams.

Mocktail recipe suggestion

Karonda Mocktail: Make a Karonda squash by heating the finely ground paste of Karonda pulp with water, sugar and lemon juice. Once cooled, store the squash in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To prepare the mocktail, add some crushed ice into a tall glass. Pour 3 tablespoons of squash and top up the drink with chilled water.

5. Jamun

It’s a dark purple found commonly in India. The juicy pulp of Jamun is slightly sweet and tangy. It’s low in calories and rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and iron. The luscious fruit is a perfect summer drink and comes with a range of health benefits.

Mocktail recipe suggestions

Jamun Mocktail: Blend deseeded jamun with sugar, salt and ice. Pour it into a serving glass over fresh ice and add a few drops of lime juice. Garnish with a sprig of mint and sever

Well, that was our roundup of a few of the delicious and exotic Indian fruits that can you can use in crafting unique mocktail recipes. Try these mixes and let us know what you think!

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