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Get Your Wedding Banquet Glassware Right With These 5 Tips

Five Ways To Choose Glassware Apropos Wedding Cocktails

With the wedding season well under way, those tasked with planning the multiple events that go into organising this affair have their work cut out for them. From curating the menu to finding a venue, everything needs to suit the preferences of the wedding couple. And then there are those details that you have to pay attention to when you host specific events. One such key component of wedding preparation is cutlery and glassware made significant when you host cocktail night so that you have to pay close attention to these specifics.

An evening meant for enjoying a few tipples and making merry along with revelling in the joys of the happy couple, cocktail night is one of the most sought after wedding events. When ample delicious cocktails flow, coupled with stunning appetisers and hors d’oeuvres, guests can enjoy a wonderful party full of fun, dancing and good music. And hosting a cocktail night means you have to have a keen understanding of what kind of glassware to choose to serve the varieties of drinks on offer.

Read on below for a few bartending notes around the glassware that is apropos the various moments and requirements that arise during cocktail night:

Glassware For Dinner Table

When cocktails are slightly formal affairs where drinks are followed by dinner, you will have to make glassware provisions for both your drinks, and at least the three courses that are part of the meal. This means you have to arrange glasses for water and one or two wines that will be served during the formal dinner. Along with that, if the best man and the bridesmaid decide to launch into boozy toasts, you will also have to lay out tall champagne flutes that can be used to raise a glass to the happy couple. Make sure you examine how much space you have on the dinner table because you have to make room for plates and assorted cutlery too.

Five Ways To Choose Glassware Apropos Wedding Cocktails

Glassware At The Bar

This requires a bit of diligence because you will need to arrange for glasses well suited to all the drinks you are offering on cocktail night. And the importance of this arrangement cannot be overstated because guests will want to indulge more at the bar during this event than any other. So, make sure you have martini glasses, rocks glasses for different whiskies and whisky cocktails, pint glasses for frothy beers and at least two types of long stemmed wine glasses one for a red and white offering respectively.

Toasting Glasses

When your cocktail party comprises toasts by the bride, groom and the best persons, make sure you have toasting glasses at the ready. Some cocktail nights are only about drinking, dancing and serving hors d'oeuvres without the obligation of a big course meal. This means toasts will be held sometime during cocktail hour so ensure you arrange for champagne flutes along with a good bubbly and circulate this when the moment for speeches draws near.

Five Ways To Choose Glassware Apropos Wedding Cocktails

Divide By Categories

This involves categorisation, that is you will have to take stock of how many cocktails you are serving and the other beverages being offered to determine how many glasses you would need of each kind. Not everyone will indulge in a martini and only a few guests will opt for a single malt on the rocks. So divide your glasses into different types like water glasses for everyone, cocktail glasses according to the drinks on offer and champagne flutes for nearly all of the guest list.

Glasses For Signature Cocktails

When you are planning to curate signature cocktails symbolising the personalities of the happy couple, make sure you have glasses that are particularly stocked for these drinks alone. A margarita glass would work for a spirit-forward vibrant mix whereas a rocks glass will do the trick when your drink packs intense flavours. Either way, arrange separate glassware for signature couples’ cocktails so guests would know they are celebrating the happy bridegroom with this blend.

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