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Ginger-Lemongrass Simple Syrup For When You Want To Spice Things Up

Ginger-Lemongrass Simple Syrup For When You Want To Spice Things Up

The key to a good cocktail game is the details—or, in this case, the syrup. Ginger-lemongrass simple syrup infuses your drinks with a burst of ginger and the subtle, citrusy notes of lemongrass. This unassuming liquid can turn basic cocktails into mixology wonders.

Making the Syrup: A Simple Process

Crafting this syrup is as simple as syrups can be. Start by peeling and slicing about 100 grams of fresh ginger; you want those spicy juices ready to mingle. Grab a stalk of lemongrass, trim off the rough edges, and give it a good bash with the back of your knife to release its aromatic oils. Throw the ginger and lemongrass into a saucepan with one cup of water and one cup of sugar. Bring this to a boil, then simmer it gently, letting the flavours meld and the mixture thicken slightly. After about 10–15 minutes, take it off the heat, strain out the solids, and voilà—you’ve got yourself a syrup that packs a punch.

Ginger-Lemongrass Simple Syrup For When You Want To Spice Things Up

Putting the Syrup to Work

Now, let's talk cocktails. This syrup isn’t just for sweetening; it’s for layering flavours that can complement a wide range of spirits.

Ginger-Lemongrass Gin Fizz

Mix 45 ml of Tanqueray No. Ten with 20 ml of your ginger-lemongrass simple syrup in a shaker. Add a dash of lime juice for some tartness, and shake it all up with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice, top with soda water, and garnish with a sprig of mint or a lime wheel. It’s refreshing, with just enough kick to keep things interesting.

Ginger-Lemongrass Simple Syrup For When You Want To Spice Things Up

Spicy Rum Punch

In a pitcher, stir together 60 ml of Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold, 30 ml of ginger-lemongrass simple syrup, 60 ml of pineapple juice, and 20 ml of lime juice. Add a handful of mint leaves and some sliced lime for extra zing. Serve it over ice in tumblers, and watch your guests try to guess the incredible ingredients that made up the drink in their glass.

Lemongrass Whisky Sour

Shake 45 ml of Johnnie Walker Black Label with 25 ml of ginger-lemongrass simple syrup and 20 ml of fresh lemon juice. Egg white is optional—if you do add it, make sure to give it a dry shake first to get that lovely froth. Strain into a chilled coupe glass, and garnish with a lemon twist or a thin slice of ginger. This drink hits all the right notes—smooth, sour, and just a touch spicy.

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