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How To Plan An Epic Bachelor Party: An Expert-Approved Pub Crawl

How To Plan An Epic Bachelor Party: An Expert-Approved Pub Crawl

WHEN you plan a bachelor party, you have to make sure it is creative, fun, wild, adventurous and memorable, all at once. And if that’s not enough pressure, here’s a reminder that the bachelor party is one of the most exciting events preceding a wedding, and it *has* to be just perfect. This is the groom’s night to go crazy and enjoy one big bash with his closest friends who can revel in the joy of the lucky guy. 

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The bachelor night is then all about sipping on some fine drinks, and living it up with one’s best pals. One of the best ways to plan for a successful bachelor party is to introduce a little bit of adventure and activity into the evening. From ‘escape the room’ to scavenger hunt, there are so many fun events that can take your bachelor party a level up, and a pub crawl is one such event. You can check out the hottest and trendiest pubs in town and hang out at different eclectic spots as you roam about the city’s pubs on foot. (Do remember to check that everyone’s imbibing spirits in moderation or you’ve made arrangements for them to return home safely after the night’s revelries are done!)

Here’s what you should plan beforehand when you organise a pub crawl for a bachelor party:

A Pub Crawl Map

Decide a starting point and when all your guests convene here, hand out a customised map detailing all the spots you would visit in order during the pub crawl. You can craft the map sticking to a bachelor theme and settle on all those places that are favoured by the groom. Ensure that these pubs are all close to each other so you can walk over to all of them through the crawl without getting too exhausted. Make a list of four to five places beforehand to avoid confusion on the eve of the party.

Cover Diverse Spots

Even as you shortlist all the pubs that are among the top ten best drinking dives according to the groom, ensure that there is some sort of diversity and that no two pubs are the same. The point of a pub crawl is to explore local cultures and different themes so what you need are places that cover this mix. You can choose one place known for dancing, another for its cocktails, yet another for its whisky collection and one for its happy hours to make sure you cover an array of different pubs during the crawl.

Make It A Haunted Pub Crawl

If you want to scare the already terrified groom even more before he says ‘I do,’ plan a haunted pub crawl. A theme is always a good idea when you customise your parties and a good one for a bachelor’s is ghosts and spirits! You can visit haunted bars and pubs or you can head to a bar which is rumoured to be in an area where lies a haunted house to make the evening spooky and scary.

Dress Code

Since it is a bachelor party and you will all be moving around together, a dress code is a fine way to make sure the entire group sticks together. Besides, consumed by a delightful buzz, if one among you accidentally drifts away from the group, they will be easy to locate in a crowded pub if you are all dressed the same! Make custom t-shirts or jackets that announce in bold lettering that you are a member of the bachelor squad so your wardrobe stands out!

Trivia Night

Introduce some more excitement into your pub crawl bachelor party by hosting a trivia night. The questions can all be about the groom and like a treasure hunt could be so fashioned that within the responses lie clues to the next destination you are headed to. Think of trivia questions before the crawl begins and hand out a prize to everyone who gets an answer right.

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