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  • Make Irish Cream Liqueur Burfi For A Festive Dessert Spread; Recipe Inside

Make Irish Cream Liqueur Burfi For A Festive Dessert Spread; Recipe Inside

Irish Cream Liqueur Burfi

The festive season is the time to prepare lots of different sweet treats that can be served to friends, family and relatives who arrive at home for gatherings and get-togethers. One of the most popular sweets made during this time is the traditional milk burfi.  


Putting a slightly more modern spin on the classic recipe is Chef Shreya Agarwala, who makes an instant burfi with the addition of Irish cream liqueur. Along with milk, sugar and cardamom, this chef adds to the burfi recipe a few tablespoons of Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur which introduces some bitter, creamy and Irish cream-like notes into the dessert. 

Read on below for a simple recipe to make the Baileys burfi as a dessert alternative for the festive day:  



3 cups milk powder  

1 ½ cups powdered sugar  

½ cup milk  

4 tablespoon or 45 ml Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur (for 15-20 burfis)  

3 tablespoons butter or ghee  

½ – 1 teaspoon cardamom powder  

¼ teaspoon salt  

1 teaspoon vanilla extract   

2 tablespoons roasted slivered pistachios  

Saffron, dried rose petals and dried pistachios for garnish  



Grease a 9x6 baking pan and set aside. Then, heat a heavy bottom pan on medium to low heat and add 3 tablespoons butter. Once the butter melts, add ½ cup milk. Next, add 3 cups milk powder, stirring continuously. When the powder has mixed well with the milk, gradually add 1 ½ cups powdered sugar. Add ½ – 1 teaspoon cardamom powder, ¼ teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons roasted pistachios.  

Now, mix in 4 tablespoons or 45 ml Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur( (for 15-20 burfis) and keep stirring the mixture for about 8-9 minutes until it releases aroma. Take the mixture off the pan once it starts coming together and add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.  

Pour the burfi mixture onto the greased baking tray and garnish with rose petals, saffron and roasted pistachios. Let the burfi cool before cutting it into small, square pieces.   

Gently take the cubes off the baking tray and place them in a serving dish. Drizzle a bit of Baileys for the finish touch. Baileys burfis are now ready to be served.  

Baileys Irish cream liqueur adds a density into this milk-based sweet which not only builds into its flavour but also gives the dessert more depth. While burfis are often made by incorporating different ingredients like almonds, pistachios, coconuts and even chocolates into the milky mixture, adding Baileys to the classic recipe in effect gives the simple dessert a more imaginative touch.  

Prepare such an Irish cream-liqueur infused burfi to complement other sweet dishes well before guests start arriving so it can be served as a small sweet treat along with a welcome drink at a festive gathering.   

4Drink Responsibly. This communication is for audiences above the age of 25. 

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