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Neat Or On The Rocks: Settling The Great Whisky Debate With Antiquity Blue

By: Aarushi Agrawal

Antiquity Blue

One of the greatest debates among whisky enthusiasts is whether to enjoy the liquor neat or on the rocks. Some say it's best enjoyed in its purest form, without dilution, because this way its complex flavours and aromas have the space to really come through. Others believe that their taste becomes more striking when it's chilled with ice or mixed with water because this mellows the taste a little. Ideally, each one should be allowed to enjoy whisky the way they like and there should be no wrong answer. But endless debate and discussion continues. So we thought it would be a good idea to partake in this conversation too, with a focus on Antiquity Blue, one of India’s more loved whiskies.

Whisky neat

Neat and Sharp

For those who lean on the side of enjoying whisky neat, they say that they are enjoying the spirit in its purest form. They feel like they can really grasp and appreciate all the complex flavours, which can lead from rich and smoky to sweet and fruity, depending largely on the distillation process and how much it has been aged. When drinking neat, you can also enjoy the whisky’s aroma which adds to the overall taste and consumption experience. People in this camp believe that by adding water or ice, and essentially diluting the whisky, its flavour profile also changes. And they want to enjoy the whisky the way the distiller intended, in its original form, without any change to the taste.

whisky on the rocks

On the Rocks

On the other hand, those who drink whisky on the rocks also have their own set of reasons for doing so. Many people simply prefer to drink their liquor chilled, which to them is a more enjoyable experience than room temperature or slightly warm whisky, especially if it's a hot day outside. While whisky can often be strong and sharp in taste, the ice will also mellow that taste, making it smoother, allowing more people to enjoy it. And especially if you're new to whisky and drinking it neat is too overwhelming, adding ice can make it more approachable. But often, more advanced drinkers also prefer having whisky on the rocks, because they believe that adding ice opens up the flavours of the whisky. Compared to drinking it neat, they believe that when they have it with ice, the more subtle nuances and softer flavours start to come through, something you might miss without the ice.

The Antiquity Angle

The Antiquity Blue in particular stands out during this debate because of its unique blending process. It's made using a blend of Indian malt spirits and select premium grain spirits. Combined together, they are aged in oak barrels, which enhances their flavour and complexity, and results in a whisky that is smooth, balanced and full of personality. It has a velvety texture, with a long and satisfying finish, that leaves a warm and lingering aftertaste. It's a deeply versatile liquor, which can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails like the Old Fashioned. Because — no matter how it's consumed — its quality and versatility, complexity of flavour and variety of aroma, all stay strong.

A bottle of Antiquity BlueTherefore, with the Antiquity Blue in particular, which is a premium whisky known for its smoothness and complexity, there is, in fact, no right answer. Both drinking methods have their pros and cons. Drinking it neat allows one to really savour the range of flavours and aromas it has to offer, from the initial oak notes to the vanilla notes and the lingering notes of spices and fruits on the tongue. And conversely, having it on the rocks means more nuances of the drink come through. It's also the preferred option if you're looking for a refreshing drink or something you can sip on casually in a social setting.

Finally, whether you drink your whisky neat or on the rocks comes down largely to personal choice. While some drinkers appreciate the boldness and authenticity of the whisky when it's neat, others like the chill and mellowing effect of the ice. And still others prefer to have it in a cocktail with a variety of other ingredients and flavours. In the end, the most important thing is to savour each sip and really enjoy the whisky, which will make for an unforgettable experience.

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