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Solo Serenity Cocktail To Master The Magic Of Enjoying Alone

Solo Serenity Cocktail To Master The Magic Of Enjoying Alone

Solo celebrations or the art of marking a special moment in solitude is quickly becoming a sought after trend by many youngsters around the world. Partying by oneself seems to be a more autonomous affair, where an individual can curate the food and drink menu as well as the decor to entirely suit one’s preferences. It also reduces the pressure of going out each weekend with a group of friends or a date in tow to a noisy place to instead revel in the comfort and peace of one’s apartment. 

In an age of conscious drinking, this solo celebration also enables an exploration of one’s relationship with alcohol so you can actually make mindful decisions about how much you want to drink and how serenely you would want to enjoy your chosen mix. Moreover, for many individuals who live away from their hometowns, family and all things familiar, solo partying with friends on a video call is a highly welcome option that allows them to stay in touch with their closest people. 

Solo Serenity Cocktail To Master The Magic Of Enjoying Alone

And then there are those among us who simply prefer our own company, who love to soak in the peace of solitude and prefer to contemplate their thoughts in the most uninterrupted way possible. It is for such enthusiasts of solitude that the solo serenity cocktail has been crafted, so that the excitement of being on your solo, lonesome journey can be augmented by a sheer explosion of flavour on your taste buds.

The serenity cocktail is crafted out of simple ingredients like vodka, cranberry juice and a bit of club soda for a balance of intensely bitter, sweet and tangy notes. It is a drink with a rounded flavour profile, perfect for a solo night in, accompanied by some good music and a cheese or mezze platter enough for one. There are many among us who prefer to concoct cocktails out of whatever is available in the pantry and the solo serenity mix is one such recipe which requires some of the staple mixology ingredients that would be readily available at any home bar. 

It is also a thoroughly inspiring concoction to prepare when you are travelling solo. After a long day of walking through a bustling city soaking in the sights or through a country town meandering among the undulating hills, coming back to your hostel or resort to sip on a solo serenity cocktail is the perfect way to wind down. A generous pour of quality vodka coupled with the sweet but slightly sour notes of cranberry and the zest of lime juice, all creates a very pleasing drink that introduces a fine buzz. The dark hue of the cranberry juice oozing into the glass makes for a very seductive and inviting prospect to sip on while simply relaxing on a patio chair on a beautiful spring evening in utter solitude and a welcome silence. 

You can use a premium Smirnoff Triple Distilled Vodka to craft this delicious mix and follow the simple recipe below when you make this cocktail at home:


60 ml Smirnoff Triple Distilled Vodka

30 ml cranberry juice

15 ml simple syrup

A splash of club soda

Ice cubes

Lemon twist for garnish

Solo Serenity Cocktail To Master The Magic Of Enjoying Alone


1. Fill a highball glass with tons of ice. This will make the solo serenity cocktail pleasingly chilled.

2. Pour in the Smirnoff vodka, cranberry juice and simple syrup. You can adjust the proportion of simple syrup if you feel the drink would be too intense due to the generous pour of vodka.

3. Stir the drink before adding the splash of club soda that would introduce a fizzy element to the cocktail.

4. Garnish with a lime wedge. Your solo serenity cocktail is now ready to be savoured, in solitude!

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