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The Rebel’s Guide to Sugarcane Spirits: Beyond Rum For When You're Feeling Adventurous

The Rebel’s Guide to Sugarcane Spirits: Beyond Rum For When You're Feeling Adventurous

Think sugarcane, and rum likely pops into your mind. It’s the go-to spirit for crafting a mojito or that lush piña colada you sip by the pool. But hold onto your hats because sugarcane has a few more tricks up its sleeve. Let’s venture off the beaten path and explore some equally stellar spirits derived from sugarcane that can jazz up your glass just as brilliantly.

Cachaça: Brazil's Prized Possession

Top of our list is Cachaça, affectionately known as rum’s lively cousin. Both spirits hail from sugarcane, but here’s where they part ways: while rum usually comes from molasses, cachaça is all about that fresh sugarcane juice, fermented and distilled. This process gifts it a brighter, earthier flavour profile that’s absolutely unique. It stars in Brazil’s national drink, the Caipirinha, which has charmed its way into bars worldwide. Fancy making one? Here’s how:

60 ml of cachaça, half a lime, cut into wedges, two teaspoons of sugar, and some ice cubes to keep things cool. Muddle the lime and sugar in a glass, fill the glass with ice, pour over the cachaça, and give it a good stir. Simple, refreshing, and brimming with a sweet tropical breeze.

The Rebel’s Guide to Sugarcane Spirits: Beyond Rum For When You're Feeling Adventurous

Basi: The Philippine Heritage Wine

Wine is only made with grapes, says who?

A common sight at dinner tables in the Philippines, particularly in the Ilocos region where it comes from, Basi is a traditional Filipino sugarcane wine. It leaves you with not just flavours you can get lost in but also a side of significant history. Basi has been enjoyed for centuries, even before the Spanish regime came into the picture. It is made by fermenting sugarcane juice with samak bark, which imparts a distinct flavour. While there are many local brands selling Basi, premium versions like Vigan Basi gives you a taste of the best sugarcanes grown in the area.

The Rebel’s Guide to Sugarcane Spirits: Beyond Rum For When You're Feeling Adventurous

Agricole Rhum: The French Caribbean Flair

Next up is Agricole Rhum, a French Caribbean marvel that, like cachaça, is made directly from sugarcane juice. It’s renowned for its earthy and vegetal flavours, making it a superb sipping spirit and a dynamic cocktail component. Try it in a 'Ti Punch, a simple drink that lets the rhum agricole shine.

You will need 50 ml Rhum Agricole, one lime slice, and one teaspoon of raw cane sugar. Stir the ingredients directly in a short glass, add a few ice cubes if you like, and enjoy. Fancy a quick trip to the French Islands? This is your drink.
Experimenting with Sugarcane Spirits

These sugarcane spirits may take some getting used to for beginners but they bring a unique profile into the mix. While rum might still dominate your drinks cabinet, serving these spirits at your next soiree will encourage creativity and conversation among guests.

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