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A DIY Recipe To Make Your Own Signature Grog Cocktail At Home

Nadia George

March 26, 2024

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The British Navy was once a formidable power in the Caribbean waters, at least that is what all the Pirates movies would have us believe. And as the royal ships sailed on these salty seas, so too their commanding officers came up with lots of drinking traditions that would keep up the spirits of the sailors on board.

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The Daily Tot

The dramatic history of the British navy can be traced back many centuries, just as the ritual of handing out a daily ‘tot’ of rum to soldiers on board the battleships. In fact, about 300 years ago, sailors were also issued a double portion of rum right before battle because these were war ships defending the country against its many enemies.

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The Drinking Ritual

However, by the 18th century, the tradition of drinking rum before battles and while sailing on the high seas had become more than just a ritual and was turning many sailors into drunks!

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Grog Cocktail

Such and many other narratives abound around the emergence of the grog cocktail which brings together Navy rum, lime juice, sugar syrup, bitters and of course, water in a flavourful mix that is thoroughly refreshing and quite boozy.

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45 ml Navy rum, 10 ml lime juice, 10 ml sugar syrup, 30 ml chilled water,Dash of aromatic bitters, Lime wedge for garnish

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Bring together Navy rum, lime juice, sugar syrup and chilled water in a cocktail shaker. Add a dash of aromatic bitters before shaking the drink for 15 to 20 seconds. Garnish with a lime wedge. Your grog cocktail is now ready to be savoured.