Smriti Dey
February 13, 2025
Making cocktails and mocktails rely on a range of mixology terms to define the process and techniques; an understanding of which can elevate one’s bartending skills and creativity. While each technique requires specific tools, it can be incorporated at different stages of preparation, experimenting with new textures and flavours.
Involving gently heating ingredients with spirits without boiling them rapidly to infuse flavours and improve the drink's depth as well as character, mulling is used to prepare seasonal beverages during the winter.
Referring to muddling or crushing fruits, herbs or spices at the base of a container to release their natural oils, mulching is a crucial step in crafting drinks like mojito mocktails and caipirinhas.
Popular in presentation and serving styles – the rimming technique involves coating the edge of a glass with a flavourful ingredient to enhance both, flavour and aesthetics of a drink; commonly used for martini cocktail glasses or wide-mouthed drinkware.
The technique of layering liquids – often a spirit or liqueur – on top of a cocktail to create striking visual and flavour contrasts while improving aromatic elements, the approach demands pouring with precise tools.
Easy to follow for beginners, creating custom flavours through infusion involves steeping ingredients in spirits or mixers; the processing period ranging from a few hours to several days. *Drink Responsibly. This communication is for audiences above the age of 25.