Yash Lakhan
December 26, 2024
A versatile spice that lends both – visual appeal and an aromatic flavour to drinks, cinnamon garnishes can enhance the sensory experience of your drink, making it more appealing and flavourful. Ranging from simple sticks to decorative stencils, the ingredient is integral to elevating craft cocktails.
A full stick of cinnamon serves as a fragrant stirrer, infusing the beverage with mild aromatic notes as it melts into the liquid.
A light sprinkle of cinnamon powder over foamy cocktails adds an aromatic accent and enhances visual appeal.
A combination of powdered cinnamon and sugar crusted along the rim of a serving glass provides a sweet layer of taste with each sip.
Twisting a cinnamon stick into a spiral gives both – visual flair and an abundance of flavour.
Charring a cinnamon stick lightly releases its essential oils, resulting in a visually and aromatically stunning effect. *Drink Responsibly. This communication is for audiences above the age of 25.