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DIY Olive Brine For A Dirty Martini

Shreya Goswami

March 15, 2024

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Making Martinis at home? Well, it simply won’t be dirty or delicious enough without an olive brine added in. Here’s how to make that olive brine at home with utter ease.

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Olive Prepping

Wash and rinse the olives thoroughly in cold water. This process will help regulate the salt amounts.

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Sterilise The Jars

Boil the glass jars and lids in hot water for three minutes and air dry them completely before use.

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Brine Preparation

Mix water, white vinegar and salt in a pan and heat it until the salt dissolves completely. Let the mix cool down completely.

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Making The Brine

Place the olives in the jar, add garlic, rosemary and spices. Pour the brining liquid and fill the jar completely.

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Sealing And Storing

Seal the jar of olive brine properly and store in a cool, dark place for at least a week.

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Straining The Brine

Strain the olive brine, then use the olive brine as well as the steeped olives to make incredibly delicious cocktails.