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Here’s How To Make The Blueberry Tanquerita When You Fancy Something Cut Above Your Standard Fare

Nadia George

February 24, 2024

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Having one of those evenings when you fancy something that's a cut above your standard fare? It's time to shake things up a bit, and we've got just the ticket: a Blueberry Tanquerita.

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Tanqueray Gin: 50 ml, Fresh blueberries, Lime Juice: 20 ml, Simple Syrup: 10 ml, Soda Water:, ice and whole blueberries and lime wheel for garnish

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Muddle the Blueberries: Grab your shaker and throw in those blueberries. Muddle them up well and properly until they're more juice than berries. This is where all the flavours at, so don't skimp on the elbow grease.

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Gin Mix

Add the Gin and More: Pour in the Tanqueray Gin over those muddled blueberries. Add the lime juice and simple syrup next. This combo is where the magic starts happening.

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Give It a Good Shake

Now, fill that shaker with ice and give it a hearty shake. You want everything nicely chilled and mixed. Think of it as a mini workout, so when you drink it, it feels all the more earned.

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Serve It

Grab a glass (salt-rimmed if you're feeling fancy) and strain your concoction into it. Top with soda water. Drop in a few whole blueberries and a lime wheel on the rim. Not only does it make your drink look top-notch, but it also adds a bit of extra flavour as you sip.