Drink Responsibly

How To Batch (Almost) Any Cocktail Recipe

Helan Singh

February 01, 2024

Drink Responsibly

1. Choose Cocktails Wisely

Select cocktails that age well when mixed in advance, focusing on options with stable ingredients that won't degrade over time. Classics like Negronis, Martinis, and Margaritas are excellent choices.

Drink Responsibly

2. Mindful Measurements

Maintain the cocktail's balance by scaling ingredients proportionally. Use a reliable conversion method to ensure consistency in flavour, avoiding any unwelcome surprises in the final batch.

Drink Responsibly

3. Dilution Dynamics

Factor in dilution by excluding ice from the initial mix. Allow the flavours to meld in the batch, and add ice to individual servings when ready to serve, preserving the cocktail's integrity.

Drink Responsibly

4. Citrus Considerations

For cocktails featuring citrus, incorporate freshly squeezed juice just before serving to retain the vibrant, zesty notes. This ensures a burst of freshness in every glass.

Drink Responsibly

5. Strategic Storage

Store your pre-mixed cocktails in airtight containers to prevent oxidation and maintain optimal freshness. Glass bottles or large jars work well, offering convenience and an added touch of sophistication.

Drink Responsibly

6. Garnish Guidelines

Hold off on adding garnishes until serving to maintain visual appeal. Slice fruits or prepare garnishes separately, allowing guests to experience the full aesthetic charm of their cocktail.