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Spicing It Up: The Art Of Infusing Thandai With Spirits

Nadia George

March 22, 2024

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Celebrating the festival of colours, as we revel in the joys of spraying each other with water, throwing balloons and splashing different hues, what acts as a refreshing quencher between bursts of colourful fun is the thandai, a cooling drink containing milk, sugar and lots of spices.

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Spirits and Thandai

However, mixing thandai with spirits is an art requiring much skill because you need to get the proportions right and ensure that no two flavours overpower each other.

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Complementary Spirits

Another crucial element while infusing thandai with spirits is an acute understanding of the flavour profile of varied liquors and choosing what would work best in a classic concoction.

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Building Ingredients

If you are a mixology enthusiast, remember that you have to build your ingredients steadily so as to arrive at the perfect flavour balance. Many times, adding everything to a shaker together might lead to a slightly underwhelming drink because you tend to be wary of adding ingredients.

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Shake With Ice

Another way to ensure that your drink has the adequate booze to thandai ratio is to make sure you add ice during and not after the preparation is ready. This way, you can build an intense drink keeping in mind that its flavour might get diluted once the ice starts to melt.