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DIY Mango Liqueurs & Spirits To Make The Best of Summer Sipping With Your Friends

DIY Mango Liqueurs & Spirits To Make The Best of Summer Sipping With Your Friends

When life gives you mangos, why not make mango liqueur? It's a sunny twist on home bartending that taps into the rich, luscious flavours of one of the world's most beloved fruits. Mangoes not only bring a taste of the tropics straight into your glass but also jazz up everything from your evening cocktail to that lazy weekend spritzer. Let’s get into how you can transform this succulent fruit into delightful mango-infused spirits with a few simple ingredients and a touch of patience.

DIY Mango Liqueurs & Spirits To Make The Best of Summer Sipping With Your Friends

Getting Started: The Mango Basics

To kick things off, choose ripe, juicy mangoes—they're sweeter and more aromatic, which means more flavour in your liqueur. You'll want to peel them and cut the flesh away from the seed. For an extra kick of flavour, don't shy away from a mix of different mango varieties. Each type brings its own unique taste and complexity to your concoction.

Mango Infusion: The Spirit Base

You can pick from a variety of spirits for your mango infusion. Vodka is a popular choice due to its neutral flavour, but why not venture a bit further? Using a light rum or even a mild whisky can add layers of depth to your liqueur. Here's a quick guide to getting your mango spirit started.

DIY Mango Liqueurs & Spirits To Make The Best of Summer Sipping With Your Friends


You will need 500 ml Smirnoff Vodka, two large, ripe mangoes, and 100 ml of simple syrup, which can be adjusted per taste. A strip of lemon or lime zest is optional but essential if you like a citrusy kick.

If you are a rum loyalist, replace the vodka with McDowell’s X Series dark rum, and you are good to go.


Start by sterilising a large jar that can seal tightly. Peel and cube the mangoes, then place them into the jar. Now, pour the spirit over the mangoes until fully submerged, and add the citrus zest if using. If you like to keep things spicy, drop in a few dried red chilies or star anise for the ultimate kick. It is then time to seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard or a pantry shelf. Make sure to gently shake the jar every other day to mix the flavours, and wait for the end result—it'll be worth it. After about 4-6 weeks, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into another sterilised container. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible to capture all the mango essence. Stir in the simple syrup to sweeten, adjusting according to how sweet you like your liqueur.

DIY Mango Liqueurs & Spirits To Make The Best of Summer Sipping With Your Friends

How to Serve

Your homemade mango liqueur is ready to be sipped neat as it is or on the rocks. Splash it into a glass of sparkling water for a refreshing spritz, mix it into a tropical cocktail, or drizzle it over ice cream for a decadent dessert. It’s versatile, delicious, and brimming with the taste of homemade craft.

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