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Thanksgiving Décor Ideas To Get You In The Mood To Party

By: Shreya Goswami


When it comes to hosting a festive-themed party at home, ambiance is everything. And when it comes specifically to Thanksgiving, unofficially known as Turkey Day in the USA and many other parts of the world, hosting a party at home means cooking up some of the best delicacies that celebrate the spirit of gratitude and largesse—which is what this festival is all about after all. It also means putting up a representation of fall harvests on the table and pairing them up with beautiful spirits and cocktails that pair well with them. 

And while this combination of perfect festive foods and beverages certainly creates an ambiance that welcomes loved ones into your home, your hosting duties would be incomplete without appropriate decorations that can enhance the festive spirit even further. Sure, the dishes you make and the cocktails you whip up will certainly add to the party mood, but a few more essentials can completely elevate the experience you so want to give your loved ones on Thanksgiving.  

Now don’t go worrying about spending a fortune on festive décor that’s perfect for Thanksgiving. Here are some simple, easy-to-follow and hassle-free Thanksgiving decor ideas that will get you in the mood to party. 

Thanksgiving centrepiece 1

Set Your Table 

If food are at the centre of your Thanksgiving party, then setting up the table is the first thing you need to do. Incorporate fall colours and shades like orange, pumpkin and brown, and add a few curious tidbits like small pumpkins, pinecones, twigs, flowers and foliage. Thanksgiving is all about largesse and the spirit of sharing, so make sure you get out the best large platters to set up your feast. 

Spirited Centrepieces 

If you are somebody who loves alcohol, then you are sure to have leftover bottles—maybe even a collection of unique whisky, rum and other spirit bottles. Thanksgiving is the time to get them all out, clean them and use them to decorate your home to accentuate your love of the spirits. Turn the bottles into candle holders, vases or even decorate them up with fairy lights.  

Create Cosy Lighting 

The mood for a laidback Thanksgiving party brimming with good food and even better cocktails can be best set with cosy lighting. To achieve this, you can use warm-toned bulbs, fairy lights draped inside rum, whisky and other bottles, and even candles to get the perfect ambient glow to bask in. Make sure however that these are out of children’s reach to prevent any accidents or fires. 

Thanksgiving centrepiece 2

Make A Harvest Cornucopia 

Thanksgiving is a harvest festival at its core, so one of the best food-centred décor pieces you can set up is a cornucopia or basket full of the season’s best and freshest. Apart from seasonal fruits, vegetables and nuts like apples, pears, grapes, walnuts and chestnuts, you can also add a few good cheese varieties, dips and lavash, pita and breadsticks to turn it into a grazing board as well as a centrepiece. 

Bar Cart Centrepiece 

If you have a good bar cart at home, creating a party centrepiece that is both appealing and a crowd-puller is the easiest thing to do. Stock up the cart with a variety of spirits like Tanqueray, Talisker, Godawan, Don Julio, etc and add an assortment of cocktail tools, glasses and ingredients. Basically, turn it into a festive-themed DIY cocktail station and watch as your guests flock to it like they do to good food.  

Thanksgiving centrepiece 3

Fall-Inspired Arrangements 

Just like your table, your home itself can be decorated with fall and Thanksgiving-inspired decorations. For example, make a DIY wreath using ribbons, grapevines, corn husks, pinecones and leaves. Get seasonal flowers like marigolds, sunflowers or chrysanthemums to add a dash of brightness to the room. You can also decorate the home with wheat stalks and feathers to accentuate the harvest theme. 

Personalise The Décor 

If you already have a close-knit group of friends and family you know will be coming over for the Thanksgiving party, personalise some of the décor for them. The simplest way to do this is to create placeholders with small pumpkins or old bottle labels with your guests’ names on them. You can also get the ingredients for your family’s signature cocktails and ask the elders to prepare them for those who want a taste. 

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