Vodka Demystified, 7 Common Questions Explained

By: Shireen Jamooji

Vodka bottle and shot glass

Vodka has come a long way over the years from a rough and potent drink used to stave off the bitter cold to an elegant refined spirit that graces some of the most illustrious bar menus in the world. Today, vodka makes up a quarter of the world’s spirit sales and it has an audience in almost every country in the world. But how much do you really know about vodka? 

To help you get to know this unique spirit better, here are 7 frequently asked questions that can help you understand vodka from its roots. 

8 Frequently Asked Questions About Vodka

What Is Vodka?

Clear and pristine, Vodka is a distilled spirit crafted from fermented grains or potatoes. It boasts a minimum alcohol by volume (ABV) of 96%. It cannot be diluted below 37.5% ABV, and water is added to reach the desired bottling strength. The result is a neutral-flavoured liquid, often praised for its purity. Traditional vodka production involves distillation and filtration processes that contribute to its clarity and smooth taste.

How Is Vodka Made?

Like many spirits, the production of vodka begins with fermentation. Primarily, vodka is a grain distillate, crafted from grains like rye, wheat, corn, sorghum, or even potatoes, grapes, plums, and sugar cane. As they ferment, they create a mash which is then distilled to separate the alcohol from the mash, and filtration, which refines the spirit. The final product is a clear, high-proof liquid ready for bottling

Is Vodka Tasteless?

One of vodka’s many prized attributes is its neutrality. It doesn’t have any distinct flavours or aromas of its own which makes it a valued base for cocktails as it provides a blank canvas which allows other mixers and flavours to shine. There are however some vodkas such as Ketel One which have slight notes of citrus and honey with a flavourful finish of black pepper, fennel and sweet licorice. 

What Is The Best Way To Serve Vodka?

High-end vodkas are designed to be enjoyed neat over ice which brings out the best in their flavours. Ciroc Vodka for example is made from grapes which gives it a distinct fine flavour that’s best enjoyed on its own. Although many prefer vodka in classic cocktails like the Martini or Moscow Mule, where its clean taste still shines through.

vodka shots

Can Vodka Go Bad?

Vodka has a remarkably long shelf life due to its high alcohol content, which acts as a natural preservative. It has a shelf life of about 10 years but slowly loses strength and taste once opened. Aim to finish an opened bottle within 1 or 2 years for optimal taste. But as long as it's stored in a cool, dark place and away from extreme temperatures, vodka can technically last indefinitely.

Should Vodka Be Stored In The Freezer? 

Many people opt to store their vodka in the freezer to maintain it at optimal drinking temperature. Chilled vodka doesn’t really require ice so you can enjoy it at its best without watering it down. Storing vodka in the freezer indefinitely doesn't extend its lifespan. However, chilling it for an hour before serving enhances the smoothness for a more enjoyable experience.

What Are Some Popular Vodka Cocktails?

Thanks to its unique taste, vodka is a go-to choice for many popular cocktails. From the classic Martini and Cosmopolitan to the refreshing Moscow Mule and Bloody Mary, vodka's versatility makes it a star in the world of mixology.

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