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10 Essential Tips For Hosting A Stress-Free Holiday Party At Home

house party outside

Holidays are the best time to gather your friends and family.  It is also a great time to make new connections. This is why it helps to host! 

Having said that, hosting at your home during festivities can also be a lot of work. Organising a party or a brunch takes planning and effort. This can get stressful and you may feel too exhausted to enjoy your own party. Let us help you simplify the task with useful tips.

Prepare in advance 

Plan your party theme, guest lists and RSVPs, food and beverages, party games and activities, and decorations ahead of time. This will leave you with plenty of time to focus on the crucial details.  For example, if your guests are vegans or teetotallers plan a separate menu for them.

Decide on a party theme 

You need to have a theme for your party. Trust us when we say it is simply easier to plan a party with a theme. Additionally, you could also have a baking or a karaoke contest. Know your target audience and plan an appropriate theme so everyone present at the party can enjoy it.

holiday party home

Make space in your house

If you have an extra room, like a guest bedroom, set it up so that guests can leave their belongings there. If space is an issue, adjust your furniture in the living room so that there's a corner where people can keep their belongings.

Organise your kitchen 

Remember to organise your kitchen in such a way that there is space. As, after the guests start dropping in, in no time it will be crowded with crockery, food and people. Keep extra spoons, forks, glasses, and bowls handy as you may require them during the event.

Keep your valuables safe

Keep your fragile and delicate items out of sight! In rare occasions, parties sometimes get out of hand. You don’t want to fret about your possessions that hold nostalgic value.  Keep them in your bedroom closet or shelf until the party is over.

holiday party home buffet

Buffets to the rescue

Serve food in a buffet style so it is easier for the guests to roam freely and interact with each other. Also keep plenty of finger foods, snacks and cold beverages stocked up and keep serving them in turns. This will help when the evening goes long and everyone craves for munchies.


Factor in your guests' preferences have set playlists accordingly. You can listen to music or have everyone on the dance floor tapping to their favourite beats.


Keep the conversations free-flowing but if there are some topics which sensitive or may trigger any of your guests, try not to bring those matters up in conversation.

holiday party home conversation

Plan for an overnight stay 

It is likely that some guests might prefer too stay back for a longer period of time. They may need to stay over if the party goes on till the late hours of the night. So do keep the guest bedroom ready. And of course, the couch can double up extra space too! 

Gift bags  

Everyone loves to get a gift. It will make your festive celebrations memorable if you gift your guests a token of the time spent together.


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