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7 Hacks To Plan A Flawless Party, From Mood Boards To To-Do Lists

7 Hacks To Plan A Flawless Party

Want to plan a party but have no idea how to begin? Hosting a festive gathering can be a daunting affair and requires much organisation. You ought to settle on a theme, plan the perfect food and drink menu, arrange for decorations and reorganise the furniture — there is literally so much to do to plan an unforgettable evening!

Creating a mood board is a good place to start if you are thinking of hosting an evening of festive revelry. From here on, there are quite a few things you ought to plan for while organising a party, which can make all the difference between a chaotic do and a smooth evening.

Read on to find out how you can navigate the labyrinths of party planning for your upcoming festive celebrations:

Mood Board Map

Create a mood board map to navigate your party planning task list. Start by picking a theme and then jot down the colour palettes, decor ideas, cuisines and drinks, tableware, dress codes, music and party favours. Do so in a defined order rather so that your mood board acts as a blueprint for how you party would flow during the evening.

Sourcing Themes

One of the best ways to source a theme is to look up party ideas on Pinterest! But before you do, think about the interests you share with friends and relatives and look for party ideas which resonate with those tastes. For many, a Bollywood glam night is most enjoyable during the festive season, while others prefer a more low-key and intimate speakeasy event. Either way, use party handbooks and event planners’ catalogues to source a good theme.

Deciding A Venue

Hosting a party means you have to open your home to multiple guests which can be hard to manage if you have space constraints. You might also want to check out your society club house or the rental venues at your gymkhana for a larger space that can hold more number of people. A spacious venue would cater better to a themed event.

Food And Drink

Every guest heading out to a party is interested in one major component, food! Make sure you offer delectable dishes and delightful cocktails. Make room in your budget for premium quality liquor and cuisine that fits into the overall theme of the party. Great food and amazing drinks are what would truly make an evening a memorable celebration!

Pairing Guests And Parties

Not every party is suited to every guest. Be wary of inviting your boss to a Moulin Rouge cabaret! Make a rough guest list before deciding the theme of your gala so you know how to choose a vibe. A comfy slumber party works for old friends but for work colleagues, a fun Hollywood night might be a casual, yet organised ice breaker.

Prepare To-Do Lists

You must have lists to work from while planning a party. Create multiple to-do lists, and a master list covering every major element. Branch out into smaller, separate lists for every category. If you are cooking at home, jot down all the ingredients you would need and prepare a concise grocery basket to make it efficient and economical.

Sending Out Invitations

Create beautiful invitations and send them out over email or text with a request to RSVP. For more senior or respected guests, an invite should be followed by a customary phone call. Invitations have to be properly sent out so guests feel like they are actually wanted at the party!

Wrapping Up…

To plan your social gatherings, create a mood board which acts like a navigation system to work through all the tasks you need to finish to throw a party. Key pointers for a good party include great food, invitations and of course, a stellar venue!

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