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A Glassful Of Flame: Your Guide To Fire-Based Mixology

flaming cocktails

A flaming drink creates a spectacular visual. But lighting drinks is a risky technique and only professionals should do it. In this article, we break down the technique and process of fire-based mixology.

using fire in cocktials

Why Light Your Drink On Fire?

The main reason behind flaming drinks is to create visual amusement. The alcohol in the drink burns off, so it's not that you get to enjoy the boozy element in the drink. The longer you keep the flame alive, the lower amount of alcohol will be left for you to consume. However, lighting up a drink does have a subtle effect on its flavour.

The major change that happens to the drink is that it burns off some alcohol

The drink gets only slightly warmer. This is because the top part of the drink is on fire and the heat rises up into the air. If you are heating the glass, only then the heat will travel down and warm the drink a bit. Flaming the drink is not the best way to warm your drink up.

While there are some claims that flaming the drink caramelises an element of it, this has been found to be untrue. This is because sugary elements of the drink are towards the bottom, and different sugars caramelise at different temperatures.

There is a subtle change in the flavour after the drink is lit up, but the boozy element in the cocktail doesn't allow us to pick up the change in the taste.

flaming cocktails

Science Behind Flaming The Drink

When you light up your drink, it is not the liquid that catches fire. It's the alcoholic vapours that are inflamed. Higher proof alcohol will lead to faster evaporation and more vapour. This also depends on the temperature of the flame, as different ingredients catch fire at different temperatures.

how to flame cocktails

Technique For Flaming The Drink

Usually, bartenders make the cocktail and top it with the strong stuff. Higher-proof alcohol is lighter and stays on top of the drink. But it will mix with the rest of the ingredients if the mixologist is not careful. To ensure the higher-proof alcohol stays afloat, mixologists pour it slowly and gently, usually over the back of a spoon.

While it's great to learn about alcoholic beverages, it is important to also consume alcohol moderately. Remember to serve and drink responsibly to ensure you and your guests are healthy and out of harm's way. If you know anyone who has trouble controlling their alcohol intake, please refer them to a professional immediately.

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