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Coffee & Cocktails Are A Match Made In Heaven; Here’s Why

coffee cocktail

Coffee is a favourite (even necessary) daytime beverage of many. So when its complex and rejuvenating flavours are combined with cocktails, what you have is a very successful crossover episode. Coffee’s rich fragrance lends a lovely, smoky aroma to any cocktail it’s added to. It is why coffee cocktails are timeless classics, and why coffee-centric drinks continue to be a focus of experimentation. 

After all, no matter how you like your coffee, there’s a coffee cocktail for every mood, be it as an after-dinner nightcap or a dessert cocktail. 

Espresso Martini

espresso martini - 3

It is little wonder why the Espresso Martini enjoys the status of being *the* signature coffee cocktail. As the story goes, it was apparently invented in the 1990s by mixologist Dick Bradsell when an unidentified model requested a drink that would “wake her up”. Bradsell obliged. He came up with a part-espresso, part-vodka, part-coffee liqueur shaken cocktail to create the Espresso Martini. Since then, the cocktail has been a mainstay on bar menus with mixologists enthusiastically looking for ways to reinvent the up-all-night elixir. Fun fact:  Initially, the cocktail was simply known as vodka espresso. In the years that followed, the cocktail was renamed the Espresso Martini since it was served in a martini glass.

Read its history, and how to make the perfect Espresso Martini at home, here.

Coffee Negroni

coffee negroni

At first instance, you may be compelled to think that this twist on the classic Negroni is a hard try given that gin and coffee do not seem like the most natural of partners. But boy, does it work! The Coffee Negroni, takes the traditional elements of gin, vermouth and Campari, while incorporating a shot of espresso which brings out the sweetness, bitterness, and complex flavours. The result is a flavourful infusion for the tastes of those tilting towards the bitter side. For the adventurous, even cold brew works wonders as a way to enjoy the richness of the coffee.  

These are the best recipes for cold brew coffee cocktails.

Coffee Old-Fashioned

coffee old fashioned

Now, this one is a bit unusual and a little underappreciated, but brilliant nonetheless. Coffee Old Fashioned is a brilliant blend of bourbon, coffee syrup and bitters, topped with an orange twist. Simple yet decadent! The warmth of the bourbon and the strength of the coffee bring out flavours you haven’t noticed as keenly before. Another plus? As is the case with customary old-fashioned recipes, there's no muddling involved. Simply blend the ingredients well and you're ready to go! 

White Russian

white russian

Further proof of why coffee and cocktails are a match made in heaven: the White Russian. No, it wasn’t invented in Russia, though the base spirit is vodka. White Russian was first created in the 1950s by a Belgian bartender named Gustave Tops, in honour of a visiting diplomat. We’re unsure why, but it’s always nice to have a drink created in your honour! This iconic cocktail is a blend of vodka, coffee liqueur and cream. As always, remember to drink responsibly!

Try this ultimate White Russian recipe that we’ve put together for you.


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