Colourful Cocktail From Farm to Glass

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A vibrant drink is a melange of flavours, all from the choice of the best liquors and fresh, local produce to create the best cocktails that look as great as they taste. A great cocktail is a product of its ingredients. This is because only the freshest and most intricately brought can bring in the flavour and aroma you need to make your favourite colourful cocktail. 

Let’s talk about how harvesting fresh fruits picked straight from the farm goes into adding flavourful depths to your favorite cocktail recipe.

Benefits of Using Locally-Sourced Ingredients in Your Next Colourful Cocktail 

Natural options

Locally-produced fruit produced witness lesser use of chemicals and fertilizers. This means they’re a healthier alternative to mass-produced ingredients and better and tastier. All of this translates to more flavour, ensuring you only serve the most flavourful and best cocktails to your guests at your house party when choosing to go for fresh and local ingredients.

Moreover, locally sourced farm fresh ingredients add a local taste to your cocktail, deeply rooted in the region’s soil.

Fresh juices are unparalleled

Unparalleled Freshness and FlavourPicking fresh juices into your home bar drinks gives them a flavour profile that store-bought, packed juices cannot.  Juicing your fruits right at home adds a thicker and more succulent base to your drinks. This means you can indulge in a bite of freshness in every sip. 

It’s also a joyful experience to prepare fresh drinks right at home. Call your friends and guests from your cocktail party, cut those limes, and juice those oranges together. This will not only help you have more fun but also make your house party an experience to remember.

Locally sourced ingredients support local producers

Supporting Local CommunitiesWhether preparing a cocktail at home for an informal cocktail party or owning an entire bar, opting for fresh produce is a great way to support local farmers. This can help your region economically. Locally sourced ingredients are often grown organically and may be more expensive than those that travel long distances to reach near you, but they are worth it.

They are also more eco-friendly and help reduce carbon footprints by cutting down on all commercial processes involved in products sourced from faraway locales. You also contribute toward the protection of local farmland by choosing local produce.

Care for healthier drinks? Local ingredients are the best choice

We all know local produce is far healthier than any other fruits or veggies you can use. They neither need to be stored in colder environments for logistics nor need to be grown using artificial techniques to boost production.

If you love fruity flavours in your colourful cocktail, using locally produced fresh mangoes, tangerines, apples, or grapes is your best way to produce drinks free from artificial sweeteners or preservatives found in canned juices.

Final Thoughts

The next time you throw a cocktail party, try replacing your canned and boxed ingredients with locally-grown ones to see the difference they make to your drinking experience. Mixology calls for unusual experimentation. Go for a colourful mix of the choicest ingredients that add layers of hues and flavour to your drink.

Check out The Bar’s collection of expertly curated blogs on the art of mixology, recipes, house party ideas, and more.

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