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DIY Black Dog Whisky Infusions For Spirited Evenings

DIY Black Dog Whisky Infusions for a Personalised Touch (And A Spirited Evening!)

Infusing whisky DIY style is a lot like personalising your very own signature scent. It’s about taking something already remarkable, like Black Dog Whisky, and tailoring it to your palate, creating drinks that evoke or create a memory with every sip. So, if you're ready to roll up your sleeves and experiment with some truly unique infusions, you've come to the right place.

Apple Cinnamon Delight

Starting with the classics, an apple-cinnamon infusion brings warmth and comfort, reminiscent of a cosy autumn evening by the fire. For this infusion, you’ll need a few slices of crisp, fresh apples and a cinnamon stick. Submerge these in a 500 ml bottle of Black Dog Whisky, allowing the magic to happen over a week. The trick here is patience; give it time, and you’ll be rewarded with a whisky that dances on the palate, its smoothness perfectly complemented by the zesty apple and warming cinnamon.

DIY Black Dog Whisky Infusions for a Personalised Touch (And A Spirited Evening!)

All-Spice Adventure

For those who prefer a bit of mystery and depth in their glass, an all-spice infusion beckons. This one's a globetrotter, bringing together the aromatic allure of the Caribbean in each drop. A teaspoon of all-spice berries in 500 ml of whisky, and you’re on your way. Let this sit for a couple of weeks, and what you get is a complex, spicy dram that’s bold yet refined, perfect for those evenings of long conversations and hearty laughter.

Pear Wood Chips

Now, for a touch of sophistication, pear wood chips can transform your whisky into a velvety smooth libation with subtle, smoky undertones. Adding a handful of these chips to your whisky and letting it infuse for a month creates a drink that’s not just a whisky but a narrative of craftsmanship and elegance. It's smooth, with a hint of fruitiness and a smoky backdrop that’s as intriguing as it is satisfying.

DIY Black Dog Whisky Infusions for a Personalised Touch (And A Spirited Evening!)

Bacon’s Bold Twist

Yes, you read that right. Bacon. For the daring and the unorthodox, infusing your whisky with bacon adds a smoky, savoury dimension that's utterly groundbreaking. Cook a few strips of bacon, reserve the fat, and let it cool. Then, add a tablespoon of the bacon fat to 500 ml of whisky, allowing it to infuse for about a week. Once done, freeze it to solidify the fat and strain. The result? A whisky that’s bold, with a smoky richness that’s both unexpected and delightful.

Matcha’s Green Delight

For something truly out of the box, matcha infuses your whisky with an earthy depth and a hint of sweetness. A couple of teaspoons of high-quality matcha powder in 500 ml of whisky, infused for 24 hours, introduces a vibrant green hue and a grassy flavour profile. It’s a fusion of traditions, a drink that bridges continents and cultures with each sip.

Each of these infused whiskies can serve a group of 8-10 people, so ration wisely!

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