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DIY Syrup To Rimming Salt, 3 Ideas For Turmeric Infused Cocktails

By: Shireen Jamooji

turmeric infused cocktails

Turmeric has been finding a place in many innovative gastronomic endeavours over the last few years as the world comes to embrace its uses as more than just a regular kitchen spice. It’s made waves in the world of mixology recently as an ingredient to amp up the earthy tones of your cocktails. 

But the process of incorporating this spice into your creations is a little bit more complicated than just adding a spoonful here and there as you go. Turmeric has a potent and unique flavour that needs to be thoughtfully integrated into the flavour profile of a cocktail to ensure it doesn’t overpower the spirit and balances well with the other ingredients that are being used.

There are a few simple routes you can take to add turmeric to your drinks, but some of the most used are via syrups, tonics and rimming salts. Let’s take a closer look at how to use each.

turmeric syrup

Turmeric-Infused Syrup

If you’re looking to add a touch of sweetness along with your spice, turmeric syrup is the best way to go about it. To create this vibrant concoction, start by combining equal parts water and sugar in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat until the sugar dissolves, creating a simple syrup base.

Next, add fresh turmeric slices or a teaspoon of turmeric powder per every cup of water to the mixture, and simmer gently allowing the spice to permeate the liquid. Turmeric's distinct earthiness will infuse the syrup with a subtle yet enriching flavour. Strain the syrup to remove any solid particles, leaving you with a sunshine yellow liquid that can be bottled and stored in the fridge for up to 6 months.

turmeric tonic water

Turmeric Tonic Water

Tonic is a staple addition to many popular cocktails, especially those built around gin. Infusing it with turmeric takes the experience to a whole new level. But crafting your own Turmeric-Infused Tonic Water doesn’t have to be a complicated affair, on the contrary, it’s surprisingly simple. Begin by combining water, natural sweeteners like honey or agave, and a pinch of salt in a saucepan.

Gently simmer the ingredients together stirring until the honey or agave dissolves completely. Add some freshly sliced turmeric or a spoon of turmeric powder and allow it to steep, infusing the liquid with its warm notes. After cooling and straining, you're left with a bespoke tonic water that's a perfect accompaniment to your favourite spirits or even to be enjoyed as a refreshing standalone beverage.

turmeric rimming salt

Turmeric Rimming Salt

You’ll often see bespoke cocktails with a rim of salt, sugar and other spices, but did you know you can do the same with turmeric. It adds both a burst of colour and flavour to your glass, turning any drink into a new delight. Creating this golden-hued salt is straightforward. Since it’s the first flavour you’ll taste, be sure to adjust the flavour of the drink itself to ensure that it’s balanced out. 

Start by combining sea salt with ground turmeric, ensuring an even distribution. The salt's natural texture complements the earthiness of turmeric, resulting in a visually stunning and tastefully balanced rimming salt. Use it to adorn the edges of glasses for cocktails, mocktails, or even non-alcoholic beverages like fresh fruit juices.

So there you have it, if you’ve been eager to experiment with the wonders of turmeric in your cocktails, here are 3 simple ways to get that journey started!

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