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Exploring Organic Wines: Sound Cool At Parties With Our Expert 101 Tips

Exploring Organic Wines: Sound Cool At Parties With Our Expert 101 Tips

Viticulture, or the study of grapes involves a deep dive into the processes of growing different varieties of the fruit, across different regions of the world that are cultivated for the particular use of winemaking or preparing snack-ready raisins. As agriculturists and horticulturists grow more and more aware of the different environmental concerns facing the planet, many of them have turned to organic practices in their production of crops and fruits.

Such is the case of organic wines too, that are being prepared using grapes grown without the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

Organic wines are fast becoming sought after spirits not only because they follow responsible methods of cultivation and wine production but also for their exquisite taste and texture. These wines can be paired with a wide range of food from fresh salads to succulent meats according to the flavours the drinks compliment. And if you are a wine enthusiast interested in knowing more about these pairings, you would undoubtedly be curious about the different elements encompassing natural viticulture and the tasting notes of organic wines.

Here are some of the ways in which you can go about exploring the world of organic wines and understanding the processes and flavours that make up this boozy drink:

Exploring Organic Wines: Sound Cool At Parties With Our Expert 101 Tips

Understanding Organic Viticulture

Organic wines are garnering popularity because they are made from grapes that are grown using sustainable farming models. So, the first step in exploring organic wines is to inevitably study viticulture and how the cultivation of different varieties of wine-making grapes such as chardonnay or sauvignon contribute to making a wine from produce free of synthetic fertilisers.

This process also involves looking at winemaking practices that craft a beverage devoid of additives. Studying organic viticulture lends the curioso a better understanding of the effect of minimal intervention on the fermentation process and taste of the drink.

Reading Labels And Certifications

Another crucial aspect of studying organic wines is to pay close attention to the labels and certifications a winery has obtained. Reading these labels will give an enthusiast a better understanding of whether the grapes are truly cultivated using organic fertilisers or contain some permissible sulfites. Such certificates will also help the connoisseur to ascertain that the grapes are being cultivated by paying close attention to biodynamic, holistic farming that follows organic practices and lunar cycles.

Exploring Organic Wines: Sound Cool At Parties With Our Expert 101 Tips

Diverse Wine Variations

Upon understanding farming patterns, the next step is to taste as many diverse organic wine variations as possible. Minimal intervention in cultivation and production means the flavours of each variety are retained to a large extent and the wines express a heightened terroir, or the characteristic distinct to a place where the drink is produced.

Choose from a wide range of varieties like the sauvignon blanc or riesling among the whites and a syrah or merlot among the reds fermented across different Italian and French regions to experience their rich, complex and full-bodied flavours.

Pronounced Flavours

Organic wines prepared with minimal additives and external intervention inevitably retain a stronger taste and contain pronounced flavours that make it easy for an enthusiast to distinguish between different tasting notes like crisp and refreshing or full bodied and smooth across variations.

Exploring Organic Wines: Sound Cool At Parties With Our Expert 101 TipsSuch bold flavours lend themselves beautifully to a wine tasting experience because it is possible to revel in rather deep and complex tasting notes. The aromas released from these wines are also extremely broad and robust, with stronger bouquets reflecting better the characteristics of the provinces from which they emerge.

Winery Tours And Tastings

One of the best ways to explore a wide range of organic wines is to embark upon winery tours and to spend time with winemakers and oenophiles to understand the different processes involved in growing and fermenting organic grape variations.

This way, wine offerings can be savoured first hand and it will be possible to study their production process in earnest. Joining an organic wine club which delivers notes and information about upcoming sustainable wine variations can also go a long way in exploring the world of organic wines.


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