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Flavoured Vodkas: Here’s All You Need To Know About The Growing Trend

smirnoff flavoured vodka

Ever wanted to gulp a vodka shot and felt like ordering a vanilla or raspberry flavoured version to enjoy the aromas of the drink along with its delectable buzz? Vodka is a translucent spirit with origins in Russia and Poland where distilleries have been perfecting the process of crafting this liquor since as early as the 9th century. 

The history of vodka is rife with cultural mysteries and complexities. It has as much to do with Russian politics as with Russian kitchens and has often been the subject matter of great study for historians.

Vodka is also a rather versatile drink and can be paired with lots of different flavours as evidenced in its popularity as a spirit used to concoct some really inventive cocktails. Over time, makers of premium vodka have also experimented with different techniques to introduce flavours into the spirit that are fruity and bright, making the drink highly appealing. From coffee-flavoured vodka to a green apple variant, there are many different kinds of flavoured vodkas out there and they have become a much sought after drinking alternative of late. The growing trend of flavoured vodkas is rather an interesting move that is keeping this alcoholic beverage in the limelight.

Flavoured Vodka trend

In Popular Culture 

Over the last few years, Instagram and TikTok have become major digital spaces where creators and influencers share their latest take on mixology and spirit culture. A focal point of this rising digital influence has been flavoured vodka which has grabbed the attention of many enthusiastic creators talking about liquors. Brands which have been producing vodka have quickly turned to these social media stars to promote flavoured vodkas leading to the popularity of this spirit.

However, flavoured vodka is not simply made popular because of its social media presence. It carries some merit among mixology enthusiasts who prefer working with one spirit to make a quick cocktail instead of using multiple ingredients to introduce flavour into a mix. A flavoured vodka also cuts down on the quantity of mixers so a spirit enthusiast can actually revel more in the original taste and intensity of the spirit without drowning it out too much with juices or citruses containing too much sugar.

Back To Botanicals

The earliest processes of making vodka involved distilling grains with herbs and spices as much for their fragrance as for their medicinal properties. Histories suggest that Nordic countries preferred to enjoy their vodka with the infusion of herbs while those in Eastern Europe opted for a beverage that was rich in spices and honeys. Either way, diverse flavours were added to the drink for their healing properties and for the aftertaste of the herbs that lingered on the tongue long after the drink was consumed.

It is possible to see this trend recur in modern times owing to a keen interest among mixologists to try new and quirky variations that celebrate a novel take on traditional drinks. Natural botanicals have spurted ahead in this venture and now, there are many vodka liqueurs infused with the flavours of basil or melon like honeydew or cantaloupe, herbs like rosemary and florals like lavender along with fruits such as blackberry, orange or grapefruit.

Flavoured Vodka trend

To Enjoy It Neat

Yet another reason flavoured vodka is rapidly gaining traction among spirit enthusiasts is so they can enjoy this spirit neat. A lot of times, plain distilled vodka requires a citrus mix to make it palatable. But a vodka with grapefruit or blackberry flavours and aromas is not only easier on the tongue but also smoother and more pleasing.

The desire for a slower manner of sipping on vodka has led to an increased preference for the spirit infused with botanicals, fruits and citruses. So, the next time you venture into a bar, check out the list of flavoured vodkas it has to offer and go for a vibrant drink which can be savoured neat or on a bed of ice.

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