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Hosting A Sit Down Dinner? Here's Everything You Need To Know

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

From spreading your table napkin on your lap to differentiating between your wine and water glasses, sitting down for dinner involves a whole lot of table manners that spell sophistication.

For all who have binged on Downton Abbey, you would know that the butler is most cautious about the distance between the cutlery and the glassware too and traditionally, uses a yardstick to measure the alignment of the dinnerware. Additionally, there are different spoons in place for salads and soups, different knives to cut meats and to butter your bread and different tined forks for relishing the main course and for the fruit dish.

Along with that, the art of eating at a sit down dinner also constitutes making sure you have finished your course well in time so it can be cleared for all dinner guests and the next one brought in at once. And it means you excuse yourself properly every time you need to step out dropping your napkin on your chair to indicate your seat is taken. At dinner, your seating should also signify who the guest of honour is so that person gets the best seating. The table should be laid in such a way that all guests can enjoy a conversation with one another.

Yes, all this does seem daunting, so here’s a handy guide to master the art of hosting a sit down dinner with sheer elegance and impeccable manners:

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

Well Planned Courses

While hosting a sit down dinner, you will have the freedom to plan as many courses as you’d like and guests will be able to enjoy these delicious dishes in order. A formal dinner will have at least three courses comprising one entrée, a main and a dessert but you can also add a salad course and a fish dish to the menu to plan a five or seven course feast especially for a more elaborate affair. Settle on the dishes in such a way that you cover different food types like fresh veggies, seafood, meats and greens in a wholesome manner where no two same foods are served one after the other.

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

Pair Food And Wine

At a sit down dinner, a good host would serve delectable reds and whites that pair well with the food being served. Traditionally, white wines like chardonnays complement a fish course whereas steaks or ribs are often accompanied by a red wine like merlot, with a slightly dry finish. Avoid serving intense, smokier spirits like whisky or brandy which work better as post dinner tipples enjoyed with coffee.

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

Laying The Table

The next most crucial step after planning your food and drink menu is to lay the table with utmost attention to detail. As a host you would need a helping hand to monitor if every course is being served in the right kind of dish and that all the servery is arranged course wise in order which will ensure a smooth functioning of the dinner service. Also remember to clear, switch or change wine glasses after every course so the taste of one spirit is not influenced by the residue of another.

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

Coordinated And Timed Service

During a course meal, it is important to wait until everyone has relished their platter before moving on to the next course. A sit down dinner moves in synchronisation, meaning everyone is served at the same time. As a good host, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on how the courses are progressing and ask your wait staff to clear the plates when guests are all finished with their food.

Stimulating Conversations

One of the best parts about a sit down dinner is the opportunity to have interesting discussions with the entire group. An impeccable host is one who would be able to break the ice between guests and bring all the attendees into the flow of a discussion. Bring to the table conversations about the hottest events du jour, the latest gossip or topics that mark the reason for the gathering like a birthday or anniversary.

Hosting With Elegance: Mastering The Art Of A Sit Down Dinner

Mindful Seating

It might so happen that all the guests you invite share a close relationship with you but a couple among them are ill disposed towards each other. At such times, prepare a seating chart where they are placed away from one another. This way, all the guests enjoy a good sit down meal without any awkwardness.


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