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Keeping It Real And Cute: 10 Ways To Woo Your Crush Rom-Com Style

rom com ideas

Let's dive into the art of wooing your crush, romcom style, but instead of grand gestures that seem to be straight out of a movie script, we're going to keep it real and cute. Picture yourself as the charming protagonist, armed with creativity, a sprinkle of humour and a dash of daring. Now let’s create some movie magic in real life.

The Unexpected Coffee Drop

Begin your quest on a caffeinated note. Surprise your crush with their favourite coffee order at work or school. It’s a small gesture that says, ‘I've been paying attention,’ without coming on too strong. Plus, everyone loves the person who brings them coffee, right?

Playlist Perfection

Craft the ultimate playlist. Whether it hits the sweet notes of their favourite tunes or introduces them to the tracks that get you through the day, it’s a personal touch that can set the tone for a budding romance. Share it with a casual message and let the music do the talking.

DIY Movie Night

movie night romcom

Now, for a touch of magic: Host a DIY movie night with a signature cocktail tailored to the theme of the film. If you’re watching a classic spy thriller, shake up a Smirnoff vodka martini. It’s a fun way to elevate your movie night and show off your mixology skills.

A Personalised Meme

Nothing breaks the ice like shared laughter. Create or share a meme that resonates with an inside joke or a moment you’ve shared. It’s light, it’s playful, and it says you’re fun to be around.

Starlit Stroll

Invite them on a walk under the stars, perhaps with a little detour to a scenic viewpoint. It’s simple, it’s romantic, and it offers plenty of opportunities for those deep, getting-to-know-you conversations. Plus, it’s the perfect setup for a romcom-worthy moment.

Game Night Challenge

Organise a game night with friends and include games that require teamwork. It’s a casual way to spend time together, fostering camaraderie and maybe a little competitive flirtation.

The Art of Snail Mail

Send them a handwritten letter or postcard. In a world of texts and emails, the charm of receiving something in the post is unparalleled. Plus, it shows you’re willing to put in that extra effort.

Sunset Picnic

rom com sunset

Pack a picnic and invite your crush to watch the sunset together. Include a bottle of Tanqueray for a refreshing gin and tonic as you both soak in the golden hour. It’s a picturesque setting that’s hard to resist.

Bake and Share

Bake something delicious and share it with them. Whether it’s cookies, brownies, or a cake, it’s a sweet way to show you care. Bonus points if you find out their favourite treat and bake that.

The Nightcap

End an evening with a nightcap that says you're enjoying their company and don't want the night to end. A smooth glass of Don Julio tequila, neat or on the rocks, can be the perfect closing note to a wonderful time spent together.


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