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Mindful Drinking: A Guide On How To Align It With Other Better Habits In 2024

Mindful Drinking: A Guide On How To Align It With Other Better Habits In 2024

So, you've scribbled down your New Year's resolutions. Like many of us, you're probably looking at that 'be healthier' note. If you are someone who enjoys a drink or two every now and then, mindful drinking could be your game-changer this year. And no, it's not just a fancy term for cutting down on booze. Mindful drinking can be more holistic than just getting on the ‘healthy’ train, because the new year prompts you to do so. Let’s break it down barstool-chat style. 

Mindful Drinking: More Than Just Cutting Back

Mindful drinking is about being more aware of what’s in your glass and why it’s there. Imagine you're at a bar or a party. Instead of automatically reaching for that beer or wine, you pause. You think, ‘Do I really want this? How will it make me feel tomorrow?’ Sometimes the answer might be a craft beer; other times it might be sparkling water with a twist of lime. Mindful drinking is all about making those conscious choices. 

Mindful Drinking: A Guide On How To Align It With Other Better Habits In 2024

Health Goals Meet Happy Hour

Health is important when it comes to resolutions. If you're trying to get more sleep, be more active, or just feel better overall, mindful drinking can be your ally. When you cut back on the booze, you might notice you're sleeping better or that your gym sessions feel less like a chore. And when you do drink, think about what you're sipping. Maybe swap out that sugary cocktail for something lighter—a spritz with less syrup, perhaps.

Enjoying the Sip, Not Just the Buzz

Here’s something we always tell our readers: savour your drink. If you're going to have a cocktail, make it something you will truly enjoy. Try sipping it slowly and really tasting it. Drinking is also about enjoying the flavours and craftsmanship of the creation. 

The Social Scene: No Pressure

You know those nights out when everyone seems to be on a mission to down as much as possible? Well, mindful drinking is the opposite. It is the state of being okay with a non-alcoholic drink if that’s what you feel like. Your real friends wouldn’t care what’s in your glass. Plus, non-alcoholic options have come a long way; there are some seriously good mocktails and alcohol-free spirits out there now.

Mindful Drinking: A Guide On How To Align It With Other Better Habits In 2024

A Wallet-Friendly Way to Wellness

Another perk of mindful drinking is that it is kinder on your wallet. Drinks, especially at fancy bars, can add up. If you’re sipping less or choosing non-alcoholic options, you might just find a few extra bucks in your budget. Doesn’t that make mindful drinking much easier?

The Fun Part: Experimenting with Alternatives

Playing around with non-alcoholic recipes can be just as fun. There’s a whole world of flavours out there to explore without alcohol. So, get creative! Mix up some mocktails, try different herbal teas, or discover some alcohol-free beers or wines.


So, as we toast to the New Year, think about how mindful drinking might fit into your life. Do not think of it as deprivation. It is a continuing conversation you should be having with your body and mind. It is an opportunity to enjoy your drinks more, be good to your body, and maybe even discover some new favourites along the way.


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