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Nightlife Etiquette 101: Dos & Don'ts For An Epic Evening Out

Nightlife Etiquette 101: Here Are The Dos and Don'ts for a Great Night Out!

The perfect night out is one where the rhythm is pulsating, the drinks are flowing, and the air is charged with anticipation. But before you surrender to the call of the wild, here’s your less-than-ordinary guide to slaying the night, armed with manners, a splash of savvy, and a hint of mischief.

ID, Please!

First off, your passport to the night: your ID. No matter if you’ve got the youthful glow of a teen or the air of a seasoned sipper, keep that ID handy. Bouncers aren’t trying to flatter you with their curiosity; it’s their job. Without it, you might as well turn back and call it a night with Netflix.

Hygienic Heroes

Now, let’s talk about packing light but right. The dance floor’s a jungle, and it gets hot. A little deodorant goes a long way towards keeping you fresh while you’re busting moves or cozying up at the bar with a Ketel One Vodka soda and lime on the side. And mints? They’re your best friends.

Nightlife Etiquette 101: Here Are The Dos and Don'ts for a Great Night Out!

Generosity is Golden

Onto the art of tipping. Those magicians behind the bar whipping up your Singleton 12 neat or that tantalising Gordon's Tonic Water are your knights in shining aprons. Show them some love with a tip that says, ‘You’re a star.’ It’s not just good karma; it’s the secret handshake of the nightlife nobility.

Play Nice

The nightlife creed? Be cool and be kind. That means your hands play by the rules of consent, your vibe is more chill than thrill-seeker, and your voice doesn’t need to overpower the DJ. Remember, we’re all here for a good time, and respect is the name of the game.

Nightlife Etiquette 101: Here Are The Dos and Don'ts for a Great Night Out!

The Sip

Let’s dive into the liquid lore. Whether you’re nursing a Black Dog on the rocks or sipping on a Ciroc martini, the aim isn’t to race to the bottom of the glass; it’s to ease into the night. Alternate those drinks with water, pace yourself, and savour the symphony of flavours. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Know When to Bow Out

Every epic tale has its climax, and so does your night. Recognise when the universe is signalling a graceful exit. There’s no shame in bowing out when the highlight reel is at its peak. Leave them wanting more, not less, of you.

Squad Safety

When the sun appears on the horizon, ensure your posse has a safe ride back to their homes. Whether it’s pooling for a cab, nominating a sober buddy, or summoning a taxi, make it your final duty to see everyone home safe.

There you have it—your unconventional manual to owning the night. Arm yourself with your ID, stay fresh, tip generously, respect the space, savour the drink, know your exit cues, and watch over your band of merry mates.

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