Six Lemonade-Based Mocktails For Every Occasion

lemonade mocktail

In summers, you would be busy planning pool parties, garden parties and tiki-themed gatherings where you would play host to friends and relatives revelling in the warm weather. What would set your hosting game apart during this social season is a delectable array of food and drinks which would refresh and energise your guests amidst the rising heat even as their delicious flavours remain thoroughly alluring for your taste buds. At gatherings where there are such mouth-watering foods in store, a good selection of mocktails would add a flavourful oomph to the whole affair.

For as a host, one must never underestimate the seductive qualities of a good mocktail. Nowadays, as many are choosing to move towards a more conscious way of living, there has been a rising interest in mocktail culture to develop non-alcohol mixes which are as delicious as their spirited counterparts. And in summer, one ingredient which tops the charts of mixologists preparing mocktails is lemons – those yellow, zesty fruits which give your drink an inviting zing.

Read on below to learn about some of the lemonade-based mocktails you can prepare across different occasions during summer weather:

Cucumber Mint Lemonade

cucumber lemonadeA classic lemonade is a simple mixture of freshly squeezed lime juice, simple syrup, cold water and lots of ice. Add to this mix muddled mint leaves and some cucumber juice to prepare a refreshing elixir to combat the sweltering heat. Cucumber and lemon together will prove very cooling and served with mint, the drink will acquire a freshness and aroma that will ward off the summer heat. You can prepare a large jug of this cooler and offer it as a refreshing beverage at a barbecue party.

Sparkling Berry Pink Lemonade

Along with lemons, berries are also sweet and tangy fruits that are savoured greatly during summer. You can bring the sour and sweet notes of berries together with lime juice and some strawberry syrup to create a pink lemonade that is a sheer explosion of flavour. Garnish this drink with muddled mint leaves so their slightly spicy freshness counteracts some of the sweeter and tangier qualities of the acidic fruits. The drink can be served in tall glasses adorned with colourful umbrellas at an afternoon summer gathering.

Herbal Lemonade

Infuse your lemonade with the aromas of lots of different herbs like basil, thyme and rosemary to give your mocktail an umami quality. The herbaceous notes of the drink would remind you of sipping on a gin and tonic, sans the buzz, leaving your palette feeling thoroughly refreshed. Herbal notes can also be added to the drink by brewing a special tea or you can simply muddle fresh leaves into a water and lime juice mixture. Garnish with edible flowers for a more spring-like floral finish.

Ginger Tea Lemonade

Brew a delicious ginger tea full of the aromas of loose-leaf tea as well as the spicy kick of ginger and mix this in with ice-cold lemonade to prepare a thoroughly intense and flavour-packed drink. You can use a lemon wedge or orange slices as a garnish for this mocktail to undercut some of the strong aromas of the tea with the zestiness of the citrus fruits. Alternatively, adjust the quantity of lime juice so the ginger tea and lemonade arrive at a fine flavourful blend.

Lemon Iced Tea

Iced tea rose to popularity in the American countryside where it was served as a refreshing drink to farm hands after a day of working in the sun. Now, this drink is a celebrated mocktail because of the refreshing flavours of a strong, intense tea coupled with the zestiness of lime juice present in the lemonade. Serve with plenty of ice and garnish with a mint sprig to tone down some of the elevated lemony notes in the classic summer mocktail.

Jaljeera Lemonade

jaljeera lemonadeA mocktail prepared using lemonade blended with jaljeera or a mix of mint, cumin and other assorted spices, the classic jaljeera lemonade is the perfect drink to savour before a hearty lunch. This mocktail is said to boost your appetite and rightly so because it carries lots of tangy, sour and acidic flavour notes that titillate your taste buds leaving them wanting more such tasty helpings that would be found in the meal that follows.

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