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Straw Etiquette: Navigating The Do’s And Don’ts Of Sipping In Social Settings

straw etiquette

We know that there are etiquettes for events like wine tasting, and they require patrons to follow the rules to the T. Did you know there are etiquettes for using straw in social settings? Don't believe it? Check out the various spoken and unspoken rules that apply to using straws on social settings below.

origin of the straw

Origin Of Paper Straw

Until the invention of paper straw, people, at least in the USA, used straws made out of tubes of rye. In the 1880s, Martin Chester Stone from Washington DC, came up with the design for paper straw. He got the idea while sipping on a Mint Julep with a rye straw. So, he wrapped a piece of paper around a pencil and glued the paper together. This inspired Stone to come up with a proper technique to make the straw. In 1888, he patented a machine to twist paper into a tube and coat it in wax. Viola! The paper straw was created!

types of straws

Types Of Straw

Drinking straws are usually made of plastic, but nowadays paper and glass varieties are in use. Paper straws are not too common as they begin to break down after a few sips. Glass ones are nicer and used at parties, but they are a lot harder to clean.

rules to drink from a straw

General Rule

The basic rule of drinking with a straw is to never slurp through it or blow bubbles. Do not insist on finishing every drop of your drink to later slurp. Take small sips and drink silently. If you have been served a narrow stirrer-like straw, don't use it for drinking unless the glass looks grimy.

Ideally, you should lift the glass from the serving table and hold it in your hand and then proceed to sip the drink. Do not hunch over to reach the straw and sip your drink. 

If you have not been offered a straw and feel the need to use it, politely ask the server to provide you with one. 

You can also choose to not use the straw, especially if the glass looks clean. Just quietly take the straw out of the drink, wrap it in a tissue or napkin and throw it in the trash.

how to dispose used straws


Make sure to dispose of the straw. Do not drop the straw on a serving tray with other drinks. If someone takes the glass back, you can put the straw back in it. If you have been given glass straw, do not throw it away, they are expensive!

misconceptions around using straws


There are a lot of beliefs around the use of straws. One of the claims states that drinking aerated drinks with a straw keeps them off your teeth and prevents cavities and damage. Others mention that drinking with a straw often can give rise to wrinkles around the mouth. There is no scientific backing for these claims.

While it's great to learn about alcoholic beverages, it is important to also consume alcohol moderately. Remember to serve and drink responsibly to ensure you and your guests are healthy and out of harm's way. If you know anyone who has trouble controlling their alcohol intake, please refer them to a professional immediately.

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