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Using Decanters For Your Favourite Liquors: An Easy To Follow Guideline

how to use decanters

Decanters have been used to serve alcohol since ancient times. While they have been commonly associated with wine, decanters have also been used to store spirits since the 1900s. The use of decanters to store and serve spirits has only increased with time.

using decanters for spirits

How Decanters Are Differently Used For Wine And Other Spirits

The purpose of using a decanter is mainly for presentation. Decanters are usually ornate glass vessels with an airtight stopper. But, for wines, a decanter is used for aeration and serving too. Hence a decanter used for wine doesn't have a stopper while the one used for spirits has one. Spirits do not change after being transferred into a decanter. A whisky in a bottle and the same whisky in a decanter will taste exactly the same. Tequilas, which are a little intense in terms of flavour do lose the sting after being aerated in a decanter. But the impact is not as high as it is on wines.

decanter uses

Uses Of A Decanter 

The main use of a decanter is storage. Today, liquor manufacturers put effort into packaging making the bottles have a signature appearance. But centuries ago, liquors were sold in barrels and retailers had to come up with a solution to sell the drinks in smaller quantities. To make the liquors look appealing to consumers, they would use glass decanters that had a great design and made an impression when taken in front of the guests.

In the case of wines, decanters help enrich the flavour and aroma as it allows the liquid to contact with the air (oxygen).  In simple terms, it allows the wine to breathe, something drinkers by swirling the wine glass after being served. This process is called oxygenation.

However, in the case of spirits, the impact of aeration is unrecognisable. Hence, for spirits, decanters act as beautiful storing vessels.

wines in decanters

For How Long Can You Store Alcohol In A Decanter?

Wines will last only for two to three days in a decanter. Spirits can be stored for years, but ideally, it should be consumed within two years as their flavour and smell will start changing after a while.

liquors to store in decanters

Which Liquors Can Be Stored In A Decanter?

All sorts of liquors can be stored in a decanter like whisky, brandy, cognac, tequila, gin, vodka, wine.

how to store spirits in decanters

Storing Liquor In Decanters

Decanters can be used to store liquor or serve them for decorative purposes or all the three reasons mentioned here. Be careful with vintage decanters as they are likely to contain lead. Lead crystal decanters should only be used to serve, for example, during dinner parties and never for long-term storage purposes.

Below are the steps to factor in while storing liquor in decanter.

1. Wash the decanter well and make sure it is bone dry before transferring the liquor into it.

2. Use a funnel to fill the decanter so you don't spill a single drop. 

3. Leave two inches from the top while filling the decanter so that you don't end up overfilling and make the process of serving difficult.

4. Use a clean and dry stopper and make sure it is airtight.

benefits of using decanters

Benefits Of Using Decanters

-- You can keep your spirit a secret from your guests.

-- Serving through a decanter adds a bit of excitement when you are hosting a party or a gathering. You can surprise your guests with their favourite drinks. It also absolves you of choosing a bottle to serve your guests.

-- Moderate your alcohol intake

-- Use the decanter to measure your intended serves over a period of time. This will prevent you from rushing through entire bottles.

-- Keeping it visually pleasant

-- You are making your way through a bottle and now it is half empty and not looking presentable in your bar. In such cases, you can use smaller decanters to store the remaining amount of liquor and maintain the appearance of your bar.

While it's great to learn about alcoholic beverages, it is important to also consume alcohol moderately. Remember to serve and drink responsibly to ensure you and your guests are healthy and out of harm's way. If you know anyone who has trouble controlling their alcohol intake, please refer them to a professional immediately.

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