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Use These Versatile Household Items For Unique Drinking Games & DIY Decor

Using Household Items for DIY Decor and Drinking Games To Spruce Up Your Home

Who says you need to splash out on fancy gadgets or decor to throw an unforgettable party? With a bit of creativity and a rummage through your cupboards, you can transform everyday household items into the stars of your soirée. From DIY decor that adds a personal touch to drinking games that only require items you've got lying around, let's dive into how to make your next gathering both stylish and spirited without breaking the bank.

DIY Decor That Speaks Volumes

Empty Bottles Turned Chic Candle Holders

Those empty bottles of Tanqueray Gin or Johnnie Walker aren't just recycling bin fodder; they're your next table centerpiece. Wash them out, peel off the labels (or leave them on for a rustic look), and voilà, you've got yourself some bespoke candle holders. Make sure to use candles the same size as the bottle opening. Pop the base of the candle in and make sure it is stable; you can even melt some candle wax around the neck of the bottle for aesthetics and light up the wick for soft, ambient lighting.

Using Household Items for DIY Decor and Drinking Games To Spruce Up Your Home

Spirited Jar Lanterns

Got a bunch of empty jars from last week's jamming session? Fill them halfway with water, add a splash of food colouring to match your party theme, and float a tea light on top. Group them together or line them up along your walkway for a magical glow that guides your guests to the fun.

Drinking Games with a DIY Twist

Deck of Cards, Tower of Folly

Forget buying an expensive set of blocks for a tower-building game. Grab a deck of cards and some plastic cups. Stack them in a tower, alternating between a layer of cards and a cup. The rules? Each guest takes a turn to remove a card or cup without toppling the tower. The one who causes the collapse? Well, they're taking a sip of a classic: 30 ml Smirnoff Vodka mixed with tonic. Simple yet nerve-wracking fun.

The Rolling Dice Dare

This game needs only a pair of dice and a creative mind. Assign each number a task or a dare (the cheekier, the better). Roll the dice, and whatever number comes up, the roller must perform the task or take a sip of their drink. For an added twist, mix up a batch of drinks with no more than 60 ml of alcohol per serving, like Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold with cola, to keep the game lively and everyone in good spirits.

Using Household Items for DIY Decor and Drinking Games To Spruce Up Your Home

Getting Crafty with Cocktails

DIY Infusion Jars

Why settle for standard spirits when you can infuse your own? Grab those empty jars, fill them with your spirit of choice, and add whatever you fancy—be it fruits, herbs, or spices. A handful of berries on the Johnnie Walker Red Label, perhaps? Let it sit for a few days, and you've got a custom infusion that'll impress even the most discerning of your pals.

Homemade Cocktail Shakers

No shaker? No problem. Take any jar with a tight-fitting lid, fill it with your cocktail ingredients, and shake away. It's makeshift, sure, but it does the job perfectly. Plus, it's a great arm workout if you're shaking up something like a frothy, shaken Tanqueray martini.

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