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5 Eco-Friendly Drinks And Food Gifting Ideas For Colourful Yet Sustainable Celebration

Food Gifting Ideas

Eco-friendly drinks are on the rise with the constant popularity of organic ingredients. With sustainability as one of the major priorities for developing a well-rounded lifestyle, drinks are also becoming adaptable to sustain with eco-friendly elements.  

Eco-friendly drinks use less plastic, are made and served with local ingredients, and employ zero-waste practices. For a better understanding, one can use the example of lemons in the drink; the same lemon used in the drink can provide lemon peels for garnish to avoid wastage. These lemons can be organic or homegrown to increase the weightage of sustainable and eco-friendly beverages. Get to know more about eco-friendly drinks and food gifting ideas.  

5 Eco-Friendly Drinks And Food Gifting Ideas 

1. Honey Rosemary Vodka Spritz & Spiced Nut Mix 

The floral and earthy flavours of a vodka spritz steeped with herbs complement the spiced nut mix. Seasoned with cinnamon and paprika, roasted almonds and cashews are brought to balance with honey's sweetness and rosemary's subtle bitterness.  This elegant present is ideal for any occasion, adding to subtle carbonation. This cocktail recipe calls for 15 ml of vodka, 15 ml of honey-rosemary syrup, and 100 ml of soda water. Add ice and stir until well combined. Use reusable glass bottles for infused syrups and biodegradable pouches for nuts. A personal touch can be achieved by including serving tips in a handwritten note. 


2. Chamomile Citrus Vodka Sour & Dark Chocolate Bark 

With its citrusy profile, the cocktail complements the chocolate, featuring its all-natural components and eco-friendly packaging. Dark chocolate bark packed with dried fruits and nuts complements the flavourful vodka sour made with chamomile tea and citrus. The flowery acidity adds to the cocktail's overall profile.  Add 50 ml of chilled chamomile tea, 15 ml of lemon juice, and 15 ml of vodka; shake with ice.  Pour into a glass and top with a twist of orange. You can use glass jars to store tea and wrap chocolate bark in paper made of beeswax. You can also add accessories like a reusable bamboo tea strainer. 

3. Orange Ginger Vodka Fizz & Whole-Grain Crackers With Fruit Preserves 

Ideal with homemade whole-grain crackers, this citrus-forward vodka fizz is prepared with orange-ginger marmalade that delivers sweet and tangy flavours.  Pour 100 ml of carbonated water over ice and stir in 15 ml of orange-ginger marmalade and 15 ml of vodka.  Top with a leftover slice of orange for garnish. Recycle parchment paper and use old glass jars for your preserves for an eco-friendly snack. To make it more sustainable, a wooden spreader that can be used again and again can be added to the hamper. 


4. Citrus Vodka Spritz & Dehydrated Citrus Snacks 

The sweetness of dried citrus improves the drink's tartness; it can also be used as a snack or garnish.  In addition to being aesthetic, this combo is filled with vibrant, all-natural flavours. Measure out 100 ml of carbonated water, 15 ml of vodka, and 15 ml of syrup infused with citrus fruits. Pour the mixture over ice and stir.  Combine all ingredients and top with a piece of dehydrated citrus. Use biodegradable bags to package sliced citrus fruits and glass dropper bottles to keep vodka infused with citrus fruits.   

5. Beet Mint Vodka Cooler & Seed Crackers 

Flax, sesame, and pumpkin seed crackers go nicely with a colourful vodka cooler of beet, apple, and mint.  The crackers' crunchiness complements the cocktail's smoothness and subtle tartness, creating a balanced combination. Add 100 ml of carbonated water, 15 ml of beetroot juice, 15 ml of lemon juice, and 15 ml of vodka. For a waste-free packaging alternative, try storing juice in reusable glass bottles and wrapping crackers in fabric pouches or compostable parchment paper. 

3Food made from organic ingredients without the use of any commercial farming or store-bought ingredients can be labelled as eco-friendly. These sustainable food and drink pairings can be an ideal gift for any occasion.  

Drink Responsibly. This communication is for audiences above the age of 25. 

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