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All You Need To Know About The Impact Of Whisky Rebellion In The US

All You Need To Know About The Impact Of Whisky Rebellion In The US

A newly independent America witnessed many impactful upheavals and revolts during its nascent stages. One of the more interesting ones being the whisky rebellion which was instrumental in fortifying the rule of the federal government in the running of the country. Towards the close of the 18th century, as American states enjoyed freedom, so too the economy contended with national debt and the formulation of a new government. According to Britannica, the whisky rebellion was a result of a new tax law imposed by federal authorities and protestors rose against this enforced legislation to protect their livelihoods.

What Was The Whisky Rebellion

In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury introduced a new excise tax or the first national internal revenue tax on liquor production. This tax was levied not only on spirits but also on the stills that produced them. For farmers, who were confronting the challenges of the new nation, whisky production was a very lucrative opportunity of converting large amounts of grain into liquor that was sold in eastern markets across the Appalachian mountains.

In fact, in western Pennsylvania, whisky was actually a form of exchange. Cash was hardly used here and people often paid for goods and services in whisky. It was also easier for farmers to transport the spirit than the grains which were used in its production. Whisky was an informal currency and a means of livelihood that was threatened by a law which levied tax on its sale and production. 

All You Need To Know About The Impact Of Whisky Rebellion In The US

The role that whisky played in local economies led distillers to protest against the new tax law rendering tax collection difficult. Things started slipping out of hand when a tax collector named Robert Johnson was tarred and feathered on his tax collection route in Washington County. An article on Wine Enthusiast explains that this rebellion reached its peak in 1794 when the home of John Neville, a tax collector from Pittsburg was attacked and burned by nearly 500 armed men. 

Impact Of Whisky Rebellion

These upheavals led the federal government to mobilise military troops and quash what appeared to be a massive revolt. Nearly 12000 men were summoned from nearby territories to fight the rebels. Yet, when the two parties met, there was little in the manner of a battle and only 150 protestors were arrested. Two were tried for treason and eventually pardoned by President George Washington.

However, for a newly formed government and country, the rebellion in Pennsylvania and its subsequent suppression became a symbol of the power of federal governance and demonstrated that not only did the government have the support of state governing bodies but it was also well-equipped to squash armed uprisings.

The force of the federal government had a disproportionate impact on distillers who had to pay a hefty sum for producing whisky. This brought about a change in their economic transactions while also burdening them with additional debt. 

All You Need To Know About The Impact Of Whisky Rebellion In The US

Interestingly, the whisky rebellion also laid bare some debates that had lasting political consequences. For instance, the rebellion became a point of contention between Hamilton and future president Thomas Jefferson who was more eager to support state rights. 

Nonetheless, the law acted as a precedent in the country’s taxation policies and firmly established the idea that the federal government had the power to levy taxes on its people so they could contribute to the financial stability of the new nation. It was also an indicator of the force that the central government could unleash and the sheer military power it could set upon its own people to maintain order.

In effect, although the whisky tax was repealed a few years down the line, its impact was felt widely across the country and it served to make a strong statement about federal bodies in power.

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