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Fan Of The Old Fashioned? You Will Love These 5 Whisky-Based Cocktails

By: Shreya Goswami

Old Fashioned Cocktail

The Old Fashioned might sound dated and old school, but ask any whisky lover and they will say that this cocktail, though simple, is revered the world over. Traditionally made with bourbons like Royal Challenge American Pride or other whiskies like Johnnie Walker, the Old Fashioned is also infused with the flavours of sugar, bitters, water and a hint of citrus (usually orange). First created in the early nineteenth century, this cocktail earned its name from a simple request by a whisky lover who asked for a whisky-based cocktail made the old-fashioned way. 

To say that the Old Fashioned captures the essence of nostalgia while celebrating the bouquet of aromas and flavours offered by a good whisky would not be wrong. In fact, while purists hold on to the original recipe, creative mixologists over the years have experimented with introducing bitters, infusions, other liqueurs and garnishes to upgrade the Old Fashioned into a cocktail the contemporary whisky drinker will enjoy.  

And yet, if you enjoy an Old Fashioned cocktail for its smooth, whisky flavours and more, there are quite a few other whisky-based cocktails with a rich heritage of their own that you will invariably love. Here are five whisky-based cocktails that fans of the Old Fashioned will love. 

Old Fashioned 1


Originating in New Orleans, Louisiana as primarily a medicinal concoction, the Sazerac gained immense popularity and became one the first cocktails to emerge out of the USA. Sazerac is traditionally made with rye whisky or cognac, a sugar cube soaked in bitters, both of which are muddled or stirred together, then poured into a glass coated with either anise-flavoured absinthe or herbsaint. The ratios used are 60ml whisky to one sugar cube and three dashes of bitters. Garnish this one with a lemon twist and enjoy the flavours of delicate sweetness with robust whisky flavours.  


Born in the 1920s in Paris as a distant cousin to the Negroni, the Boulevardier cocktail always screams sophistication and European allure. This classic cocktail marries the flavours of warm and robust whisky, bourbon or rye, with Campari and sweet vermouth to create an incredibly elegant infusion. Served over ice and garnished with orange zest, this cocktail too has seen many upgradations since birth. You need a ratio of 30ml each of whisky, Campari and sweet vermouth to make this one, but don’t forget the orange zest. 

Old Fashioned 2

Gold Rush 

A modern classic cocktail born in the late twentieth century in New York City’s glorious revival period, Gold Rush is an invigorating whisky cocktail made with the simple yet flavourful combination of bourbon, honey and lemon. The honey is mixed with hot water to create a golden syrup, which is then mixed with bourbon, fresh lemon juice and ice, shaken and served in a chilled glass. You will need 60ml of bourbon and 22ml of lemon juice and honey syrup to make the perfect glass of Gold Rush with sweet, sour and robust notes at home.  


Born in the Gilded Age of New York in the late 1800s, the Manhattan cocktail captures the sophistication and refinement of the era it originated in. A favourite among the elite in Manhattan in that age and even now, the Manhattan symbolised fine taste, style and opulence with its winning combination of rye whisky, sweet vermouth, aromatic bitters and a cherry on top. The ratios used in this classic cocktail are 60ml of rye whisky, 30ml sweet vermouth, two dashes of bitters and a maraschino cherry for garnish. A timeless cocktail that is still considered stylish, this one is a must-have for Old Fashioned lovers. 

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A Canadian-origin cocktail that reflects on that nation’s vibrant whisky culture, the Toronto is closely related to the Old Fashioned. In fact, you may even call the Toronto the Canadian twist on the Old Fashioned cocktail. The Toronto is made with rye whisky, simple syrup or sugar and aromatic bitters (usually Fernet-Branca). Garnished simply with an orange twist, this cocktails has a robust and balanced flavour profile with a touch of citrus. You will need 60ml whisky and 7.5ml each of bitters and syrup to make a classic Toronto. 

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