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Smoky Sugarcane Old Fashioned: 101 Guide For You To Taste Excellence!

Smoky Sugarcane Old Fashioned: 101 Guide For You To Taste Excellence!

There are very few things in life that are better than a nice, full bodied, old fashioned that has just the right amount of oaky sweetness. There is one thing that’s better though, and it’s the smoky sugarcane old fashioned.

A delicious and unique twist on the regular old fashioned, the smoky sugarcane old fashioned is an unparalleled symphony of flavour that transcends the ordinary. With its complex and rich flavour profile that dances on the palate, this version of the Old Fashioned takes the original cocktail’s supremacy one step ahead.

Let’s take a look at how to make this delightful concoction!

Smoky Sugarcane Old Fashioned: 101 Guide For You To Taste Excellence!


60 ml bourbon or rye whiskey
15 ml smoked sugar cane syrup
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Orange peel, for garnish
Ice cubes
Smoking wood chips
For the smoked sugarcane syrup:
200 grams (1 cup) granulated sugar
240 ml water
1-2 Sugarcane stalks, peeled and cut into chunks


Preparing the Smoked Sugarcane Syrup:

Over medium heat, combine the granulated sugar, water, and sugarcane chunks in a saucepan and let the mixture simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is fully dissolved.
Reduce the heat to low and continue to let the mixture simmer for another 5-10 minutes to fully infuse the sugarcane flavour into the syrup.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and let your sugarcane syrup cool down to room temperature.
Once the mixture is cooled, strain out the sugarcane chunks and transfer the syrup into a clean glass jar or bottle. 
Add Smoke: Take a few smoked wood chips and let the smoky flavour seep through the syrup. Let the mixture sit overnight or at least for a few hours for the flavour to truly infuse before using.

Smoky Sugarcane Old Fashioned: 101 Guide For You To Taste Excellence!

Prepare the Smokey Sugarcane Old Fashioned:

Smoking the glass: In case you love the smoky flavour, you can go one step further and smoke your serving glass itself! To do this, take a few wood chips and put them in a smoke gun or on a small heat resistant dish. Ignite the wood chips until they begin to smoulder. Once lit, place a rocks glass upside down over the wood chips so that the glass can capture all the smoke. Let the glass sit for as long as desired so that the smoky flavour can truly infuse your drink!

Now to make the old fashioned – take a mixing glass and combine the bourbon / rye whiskey, smoked sugarcane syrup, and Angostura bitters.

Then, fill the mixing glass with ice cubes and stir your old fashioned mix for at least 30 seconds until it’s chilled and slightly diluted. Consequently, strain your drink mix into the prepared smoked rocks glass which should either be filled with several ice cubes or one large artisanal block of ice. Lastly, take your orange peel and express its oils into the drink by holding it over the glass, gently twisting the peel, and then dropping it into the glass as a garnish. Serve your delicious Smoky Sugarcane Old Fashioned nice and chilled!

Every sip of this exquisite cocktail is a celebration of craftsmanship and acts as the epitome of creativity, serving as a constant reminder as to why the classic Old Fashioned is still a hit, even after all these decades! With its unforgettable taste and irresistible allure, the smoky sugarcane old fashioned pushes the boundaries and takes the excellence of the classic old fashioned one step ahead.


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