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Here’s How To Make Metal-Inspired Cocktails For Headbangers

metal inspired cocktails

Metal as a music genre is quite diverse and has many sub-genres. Good headbangers must be paired with equally delicious boozy drinks. Below are a few cocktails inspired by the metal genre:

whisky and coke cocktail

Hard Rock - Whisky & Coke

Hard rock is one of the more popular genres of music. It's not too heavy and packs enough riffs and beats to bob your head to it. Many hard rock songs have turned into classic and the perfect cocktail to go with them is Whisky And Coke

Recipe: Whisky And Coke


60 ml McDowell's whiskey

120 - 360 ml Coke

Lemon twist, for garnish


Take a double rocks glass and pour whiskey into it with one large ice cube. Top up with Coke. Stir gently for the ingredients to combine. Garnish with a lemon twist.

long island iced tea for a headbanger

Death Metal - Long Island Iced Tea

An intense genre with death growls conveying extreme ideas and emotions, these kinds of songs inspire a cocktail with a similar flavour profile. The Long Island Iced Tea is a perfect match for this music genre.

Recipe: Long Island Iced Tea


20 ml Smirnoff Vodka

20 ml Captain Morgan White Rum

20 ml Don Julio Blanco

20 ml Tanqueray

20 ml Triple sec

20 ml Simple syrup

20 ml Lemon juice, freshly squeezed

Aerated drink, to top up

Lemon wedge, for garnish


Take a Collins glass filled with ice and add vodka, rum, tequila, gin, triple sec, simple syrup and lemon juice. Top up with the aerated drink and stir briefly. Garnish with a lemon wedge. Serve with a straw.

cosmopolitan at a metal party

Glam Metal - Cosmopolitan

A perfect genre to get the party started, glam metal songs are best paired with the evergreen Cosmopolitan.

Recipe: Cosmopolitan


45 ml Smirnoff Citrus Vodka

15 ml Triple sec

30 ml Cranberry juice

10 ml Lime juice


Orange zest, for the rim of the glass


Take a cocktail shaker with ice and all the ingredients in it. Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Take a 3 cm round piece of orange zest. Carefully wave the zest over a flame. Bend the outer edge of the zest towards the flame so that the orange oils are released. Drop the zest into your drink.

boozy boilermaker

Alternative Metal - Boilermaker

Alternative metal combines heavy guitars of metal with elements of heavy rock. Boilermaker is a combination of two buzzy liquors –- beer and whisky, and brings the best of both worlds, just as the metal sub genre.

Recipe: Boilermaker


30 ml McDowell's whiskey

240 ml Guinness 


Take a shot glass and pour whiskey into it. Take a pint glass and pour beer in it. Drop the shot glass into the beer and serve.

punk cocktail

Punk - Vodka Red Bull

A genre which is fast-moving and aggressive which leaves an impact early on over the listeners. Vodka Red Bull fits perfectly with punk as it gives a buzz like no other.

Recipe: Vodka Red Bull


60 ml Smirnoff vodka

Red Bull, to top


Pour vodka into a highball glass with ice and top up with Red Bull. Stir gently and serve.

While it's great to learn about alcoholic beverages, it is important to also consume alcohol moderately. Remember to serve and drink responsibly to ensure you and your guests are healthy and out of harm's way. If you know anyone who has trouble controlling their alcohol intake, please refer them to a professional immediately.

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