Captain and Lemonade

Captain and Lemonade


  • Captain Morgan Rum – 50 ml
  • 29426-ingredients-0
  • Lemonade – 125 ml
  • 29426-ingredients-1
  • Lemon zest
  • 29426-ingredients-2
  • Lemon wedges
  • 29426-ingredients-3
  • Ice
  • 29426-ingredients-4


Grab a chilled tall glass and fill it with ice cubes leaving just a little space towards the top.

Next, using a cocktail jigger, measure and pour 50 ml of Captain Morgan Rum and 125 ml of lemonade into the glass.

Using a bar spoon, give it a quick and gentle stir.

Next, use the lemon zester and add just a bit of lemon zest on top.

Cut a thin lemon wedge using a knife and garnish the drink with a lemon wedge on the rim.

Your Captain and Lemonade is ready! Serve and enjoy!

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