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6 Nightcaps To Relish After A Delicious Meal Starring Indian Cuisine

drinks and indian food

What constitutes Indian food is a diverse mix of spices, regional ingredients, fruits, vegetables and meats that come together in a sumptuous spread full of curries, dry veggies, salads and flatbreads. Indian food is a big group of delicious savoury and sweet preparations which are cooked keeping in mind seasonal and local flavour palates, weather patterns and agricultural practices. And one common quality underlining all kinds of Indian repasts is that they pack a bit of heat which is calmed by the incorporation of many soothing quenchers and drinks into the meal.

These delicious drinks can also be enjoyed after wiping a plate clean to taper down the effects of a feast  packed with heavy notes of chillies, garlic and ginger. Drinks like buttermilk and teas are effective calming potions that also smoothen digestive processes and in fact enhance the experience of enjoying a meal packed with so much flavour.

Here are some drinks that are well suited as nightcaps after enjoying a spread of Indian food. Check these alcoholic and non-alcoholic mixes out to prepare them when you decide to serve Indian food at your next home hosting event:

Indian Spiced Rum

This is basically a rum variation made by infusing spices into the dark liquid to introduce some bold and robust flavours in the drink. An Indian spin on this beverage means adding cloves, peppers, cinnamon and cardamom among other spices to serve a drink packed with lots of intense but refreshing properties. You can enjoy this Indian take on a premium Captain Morgan Dark Rum after a meal so your nightcap can pack a bit of a kick.

Port Wine

This is a classic nightcap in so many regions across the world and the Indian subcontinent is no different. Enjoy a tiny glass of quality port for all its sweet, fruity and indulgent notes that go well with spicy food. You can introduce some other mulled wine or wine boiled with citrus fruits and spices as a nightcap for your guests to relax with after a filling meal.

Masala Chai

There is no right time to have a steaming cup of masala chai. A warm one after a particularly heavy repast is in fact the perfect moment. Make a cup of masala chai using potent tea leaves and lots of spices. Be generous with sugar so that the sweetness undercuts the spicy flavours for a perfectly balanced beverage. A cup of masala chai is all the nightcap you would need after a meal featuring signature Indian curries, flatbread and pakoras.

Hot Toddy

Hot toddy is another spiced infusion which helps to taper down flavours that are too spicy or hot for your palate. After gorging on a delicious vindaloo or malabar curry, have some hot toddy complete with all its fragrances and spicy notes to relax your taste buds and calm your inflamed throat. The drink serves as a wonderful soother after a meal that is particularly packed with a lot of bold flavours.

Turmeric Milk (or, latte!)

Turmeric latte, if you are fancy, is a drink full of the healing properties of the deep yellow spice that helps to reduce heat and combat inflammation. You can enjoy this drink as a nightcap just before bedtime after a meal comprising bold flavours of pickles, chutneys and gravies as a calming agent. Turmeric milk is comfort in a mug and the perfect non-alcoholic alternative after a heavy dinner.

Old Fashioned

Any whisky-based cocktail is an ideal nightcap after a meal celebrating Indian foods because the smoky notes of whisky instantly counteract the creaminess of a decadent Indian curry. You can prepare an old fashioned out of a Johnnie Walker Red Label too by blending it with sugar, bitters and water for a perfect finish to a grand meal.

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