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Screwdriver: A Brief History Of The Iconic Cocktail, And How To Make It At Home

screwdriver cocktail vodka with orange

While many spirits such as gin have gained popularity for being the base alcohol content in cocktails, nothing beats the vibrantly versatile vodka. So naturally, a few simple vodka cocktails are worth your attention. One of them is the summer-ready drink - the Screwdriver.

Vodka and orange juice go together like peanut butter and jelly. A citrusy and punchy drink, its acidity is subdued by the neutral, flavourless vodka. Perfect for brunches, beach parties and hot afternoons, the cocktail tastes the best when made using freshly squeezed orange juice.

While vodka may be from Russia, there is a lot of speculation about the origin of the Screwdriver cocktail. Unlike its base spirit, it doesn't have its roots in Poland or Russia. Rather, there have been multiple theories about where the drink comes from. But none of them allude to a professional bartender creating the drink.

The Origin of the Screwdriver

Below are the most widely believed origin stories of the Screwdriver:

Theory 1 - Oil Workers

American oil workers along with workers of other ethnicities are believed to be behind this iconic cocktail. During the mid-20th century, these workers hustling in the Persian Gulf would secretly pour a little vodka into their orange juice. Since they didn't have spoons, let alone a bar spoon to mix the drink, they used screwdrivers instead. And hence the name of the cocktail!

Theory 2 - American Marines

Another theory says that American Marines fighting World War II created the cocktail. They simply spiked their orange juice, or OJ as the Americans call it now and then, with a bit of vodka.

Theory 3 - Multicultural Effort

While this theory doesn't point to the origin of the Screwdriver, it records its consumption in the mid-20th century and claims that the drink has American origin. As per the 1949 edition of Time magazine, Turkish intelligence agents, American engineers and Balkan refugees mingled with each other over a newly created cocktail made of O.J. and vodka.

Screwdriver Recipe

screwdriver cocktail vodka with oranges


50 ml Vodka
100 ml freshly squeezed Orange Juice
Lime wedge
Orange slice


Take a highball glass and add vodka to it. Fill the glass with ice. Squeeze the lime wedge into the glass and rim the glass with it. Pour freshly made orange juice. Garnish with an orange slice. The cocktail is ready for serving.

Tips to making an amazing Screwdriver

screwdriver illustration

You can always adjust the amount of orange juice that you are adding to the drink. 

While you can take out the best vodka from your liquor cabinet, but can choose not to. That doesn't mean you use a cheap vodka. You can go with many good quality and budget-friendly vodka brands.

Remember to use freshly squeezed orange juice to ensure your cocktail turns delicious. If you don't have the time to make the orange juice or don't have oranges at home use the store-bought juice, but only if it's naturally made.

To make variations, you can use flavoured vodkas. You may go with citrusy vodkas or choose to have a contrasting flavour which will add depth to the cocktail. You can try vanilla vodka, coconut vodka, strawberry vodka or vodka with any berry flavour that will complement the drink well.

While it is great to express oneself by celebrating with food and beverages, we recommend that it be done using moderate amounts of liquor. It is important to serve and drink alcohol responsibly. If you know anyone who is not able to drink within limits or isn't able to handle alcohol, please refer them to a professional immediately. These actions will keep you healthy and out of harm's way.

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