Golden Dream

By: Neelanjana Mondal

Golden Dream


  • 20 ml Galliano 
  • 32048-ingredients-0
  • 20 ml triple sec 
  • 32048-ingredients-1
  • 20 ml fresh orange juice 
  • 32048-ingredients-2
  • 10 ml fresh cream
  • 32048-ingredients-3


Grab a shaker, fill it up with ice.

Add all the ingredients one by one.

Briskly shake for a few seconds.

Strain into a martini or cocktail glass.

Pro Tips:

Go for fresh orange juice without hesitation. Fresh fruit juice will make all the difference in the world to your cocktail in terms of flavour and taste.

If the orange juice doesn’t sweeten your drink enough, pour a bit more of the herbal liqueur. Similarly, for a less sweeter drink add a lesser amount of the herbal concoction. 

If the standard measurement of cream falls short of your definition of creamy, feel free to add more. 

Ideally garnish with a slice of orange or cherry. 

Serve in a martini glass and make sure you serve it chilled. 

There are many flavours of triple sec, orange liqueurs in the market. Try the variety and pick the one you like the best. You may also replace the herbal liqueur with a more fruity liqueur.

If you are into frozen cocktails, turn the golden dream into one by adding ice and all of the ingredients in a blender until they turn smooth. Serve in a tall glass with an orange wheel garnish. 

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