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5 Tips To Make The Perfect Whisky Scrambled Eggs

Risha Ganguly

March 16, 2024

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If you are a fan of having elegant breakfast treats, you will definitely love whisky scrambled eggs. While it is an easy dish to make, here are 5 tips that will make your job easier.

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Start making your whisky scrambled egg by selecting the right whisky. Opt for a whisky with nuanced flavors that complement the eggs.

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To intensify the whisky flavor without overwhelming the eggs, consider making a whisky reduction. Simmer the whisky in a pan over low heat until it reduces by half.

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Achieve creamy, custard-like scrambled eggs by employing a low and slow cooking technique. Use low to medium heat and stir continuously.

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Maintain a balance of flavours and get fluffy texture by adding a small amount of cream or milk into your whisked eggs.

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Fold in any additional ingredients you desire, such as fresh herbs or grated cheese. That will add extra flavour to your dish.