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A Step-By-Step Guide To Pickling Any Veggie For Cocktails

Shreya Goswami

March 15, 2024

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Pickled vegetables, whether they are onions or cucumbers, add a tangy and delicious twist to cocktails while also enhancing their visual appeal. Here’s how to pickle veggies for cocktails.

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Prep The Veggies

Wash, clean, peel and slice the vegetables in the shapes you want. You can also opt for whole veggies or use cookie cutters for creative shapes like stars.

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Sterlise Jars

Pickling is impossible in an unclean jar, so sterilise some glass jars and dry them out completely before use.

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Make A Pickling Solution

Combine white wine vinegar, sugar, salt and flavouring agents like garlic, whole spices and herbs to make a pickling solution.

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Pack the Veggies

Place the veggies in the jars, add flavouring agents and then pour in the pickling solution properly. Leave some gap at the top for expansion.

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Seal And Store Away

Seal the jars tightly and store the pickled veggies in a cool, dark and dry place for at least a week.

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Strain And Use

When you want to use the veggies for your cocktails, use a strainer to separate them away from the pickling liquid.