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Aam Panna Sangrias And Spritzers For When The Sun Is Shining Down Hard

Ashifa Bano

July 22, 2024

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Embrace the spirit of Indian summers with an inventive twist on traditional refreshments, turning Aam Panna into the base for exquisite Sangrias and Spritzers. These concoctions are not merely drinks; they are a delightful blast of cool air on a sweltering day, packed with nostalgia and a hint of adventure.

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In the heart of summer's heat, Aam Panna becomes the cornerstone of innovative Sangrias and Spritzers, infusing your drinks menu with a touch of desi soul.

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Kicking Off with Aam Panna Sangria

Unite the vibrancy of Spain and the warmth of India in a pitcher. Mix 120 ml of a zesty white wine like Sauvignon Blanc with 150 ml of Aam Panna, tossing in diced apples, oranges, and grapes. The unexpected guest, 30 ml of Vodka, adds a spirited spike.

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Crafting the Aam Panna Spritzer

For an instant refresh, blend 45 ml of Vodka with 75 ml of Aam Panna in a glass. Choose between soda water, lemonade, or ginger ale for the fizz, garnishing with mint or lime to encapsulate the essence of summer.

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Aam Panna Cucumber Spritzer

Introduce a crisp twist by starting with 45 ml of Vodka and 75 ml of chilled Aam Panna. Add slices of cucumber for a refreshing note, topping off with sparkling water and a mint or cucumber garnish.

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Experiment and Personalise

Each recipe offers a foundation to inspire your mixology adventures, encouraging personal touches and experimentation.

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Serving Suggestions

Present these drinks in unique glassware to enhance the experience. A chilled martini glass for the Sangria, a tall glass for the Spritzer, and a sleek highball for the cucumber variation capture the elegance and freshness of each concoction.

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These Aam Panna-based drinks blend tradition with modern flair, offering refreshing, nuanced flavours perfect for summer festivities. By incorporating this beloved Indian cooler into your cocktails, you're not just quenching thirst but creating memorable moments.