Shireen Jamooji
March 14, 2024
If you want to drink like an Aussie, it starts with sounding like an one. Here are a few must-know terms for everyone who wants to drink up the Aussie way.
Don't be puzzled if someone hands you a "stubbie." It's just a short, squat beer bottle.
If someone offers you a "shout," they're buying the next round. It's a common way to share the drinking responsibilities.
No, not a silly person—this is bagged or boxed wine. "Goon" is a popular and cost-effective choice for gatherings.
In Oz, a "schooner" isn't a ship—it's a beer glass. Order this if you fancy a mid-sized beer.
Once a name for cheap fortified wine, now a beloved term to refer to any sort of cheap alcohol.
If you’re heading down to the Bottle-O, you’re on the way to the local liquor store to pick up your favourite tipple
Want a can of beer? No you don’t, you want a tinnie! What else would you ask for at your local bottle-O.