Drink Responsibly

Australian Drinking Slang To Party Like You’re Down Under

Shireen Jamooji

March 14, 2024

Drink Responsibly

If you want to drink like an Aussie, it starts with sounding like an one. Here are a few must-know terms for everyone who wants to drink up the Aussie way.

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Don't be puzzled if someone hands you a "stubbie." It's just a short, squat beer bottle.

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If someone offers you a "shout," they're buying the next round. It's a common way to share the drinking responsibilities.

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Goon Sack

No, not a silly person—this is bagged or boxed wine. "Goon" is a popular and cost-effective choice for gatherings.

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In Oz, a "schooner" isn't a ship—it's a beer glass. Order this if you fancy a mid-sized beer.

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Once a name for cheap fortified wine, now a beloved term to refer to any sort of cheap alcohol.

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If you’re heading down to the Bottle-O, you’re on the way to the local liquor store to pick up your favourite tipple

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Want a can of beer? No you don’t, you want a tinnie! What else would you ask for at your local bottle-O.