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Beyond Wine: How Grapes Can Be Used In Other Liquors

Helan Singh

January 31, 2024

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1. Grapes in Brandy

Originating from the Dutch word "brandewijn," meaning "burned wine," brandy showcases the sophisticated side of grape fermentation. Whether in a crisp young grape brandy or the deep notes of a fine Cognac, grapes contribute to a rich and complex flavour profile, providing diverse iterations for brandy enthusiasts.

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2. Grapes in Gin

Traditionally rooted in juniper berries, gin's landscape has expanded with distillers infusing grape spirits into their recipes. This infusion adds fruity undertones to gin's sharp, piney taste, offering enthusiasts a new and refreshing flavour dimension.

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3. Grappa

A Northern Italian after-dinner favourite, grappa utilises grape pomace, including stems, seeds, and skins typically discarded. Despite lacking fruity notes, grappa delivers a robust and fiery punch, making it an ideal digestif. Enjoy it straight, or experiment with creative cocktails featuring grappa, coffee liqueur, cacao liqueur, espresso coffee, and vanilla ice cream.

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4. Grapes in Vodka

As a neutral spirit, vodka serves as an excellent canvas for grape infusion, blending the natural sweetness of grapes with vodka's clean profile. This grape-infused spirit opens the door to various cocktail possibilities, from fruity martinis to refreshing highballs.

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5. Grapes in Rum

Traditionally derived from sugarcane, rum has seen experimentation with grape infusions, capturing the fruity and aromatic essence of the grape. Mix grape-infused rum with pineapple juice, orange juice, grenadine, and a splash of lime for a delightful fruity punch.

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6. Storage Tips and Experimentation

When indulging in grape-infused spirits, consider storage factors such as avoiding direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to maintain quality. Experimentation is critical to discovering new favourites and sampling various grape-infused spirits can unlock a world of unique and delightful experiences.